September 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Sep 1 01:24:19 CEST 2009
Ending: Wed Sep 30 22:43:39 CEST 2009
Messages: 452
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Pablo Aguado
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Pablo Aguado
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Pablo Aguado
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Pablo Aguado
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Pablo Aguado
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Pablo Aguado
- [Pw_forum] About missing q-points in
Mozahar Ali
- [Pw_forum] tetrahedron method
Álvaro Alves
- [Pw_forum] Res: tetrahedron method
Álvaro Alves
- [Pw_forum] vdw
Dal Corso Andrea
- [Pw_forum] About example 22
Dal Corso Andrea
- [Pw_forum] Symmetry of the band states
Dr Silvia Bakalova
- [Pw_forum] Quantum ESPRESSO reference paper
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] Temperature of Raman spectra
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] Temperature of Raman spectra (Stefano Baroni)
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of projected density of states
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] O.pw91-van_ak.UPF oxygen pseudopotential
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 26
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] choosing degauss value
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] All electron calculations for Cr and Ti
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] using ev.x
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] using ev.x
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] using ev.x
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] Phonon with Norm - Conserving pseudopotential
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 47
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] K Points and Band structures
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 47
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] workfunction and efield
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] workfunction and efield
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] thin film construction
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] scf calculation crashed for "diagonalization (ZHEGV*) failed".
john Bob
- [Pw_forum] Fw: defect formation energy
Sanda Botis
- [Pw_forum] Temporary directory supposedly non existent or not writable
Sylvian Cadars
- [Pw_forum] << Surface calculations setup >>
I. Camps
- [Pw_forum] << Importing atomic coordinates in PWgui >>
I. Camps
- [Pw_forum] << Importing atomic coordinates in PWgui >>
I. Camps
- [Pw_forum] Titanium atomic positions
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] Titanium atomic positions
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] The low usage of CUPs
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] how to improve the calculation speed ?
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] Running on cluster often turn up
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] Can I calculate the NMR shift for metallic system??
Davide Ceresoli
- [Pw_forum] About NMR calculations for metallic system.
Davide Ceresoli
- [Pw_forum] Hyperfine interaction in Li-Mn compounds?
Davide Ceresoli
- [Pw_forum] About NMR calculations for metallic system.
Young Cheol Choi
- [Pw_forum] resp_mat.f90
Matteo Cococcioni
- [Pw_forum] Fortran runtime error
Ihsan Erikat
- [Pw_forum] Fortran runtime error: ALLOCATE:
Ihsan Erikat
- [Pw_forum] Fortran runtime error: ALLOCATE:
Ihsan Erikat
- [Pw_forum] fortran error
Ihsan Erikat
- [Pw_forum] references for philosophy of parallel execution
Andrea Ferretti
- [Pw_forum] bug in mm_dispersion.f90
Javier Fuhr
- [Pw_forum] bug in mm_dispersion.f90
Javier Fuhr
- [Pw_forum] bug in mm_dispersion.f90
Javier Fuhr
- [Pw_forum] input file for isolated atom
Prasenjit Ghosh
- [Pw_forum] problem with charge density with xcrysden
Prasenjit Ghosh
- [Pw_forum] input file for isolated atom
Prasenjit Ghosh
- [Pw_forum] write occupancy
Prasenjit Ghosh
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] matdyn file output
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] theory on Raman cross sections
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Temporary directory supposedly non existent or not writable
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] V - cohesive energy
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Calculating Projected density of states in Quantum espresso
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 5
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] << Surface calculations setup >>
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Correlated wave-function in real space
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Titanium atomic positions
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] parallel matrix problem
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] O.pw91-van_ak.UPF oxygen pseudopotential
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] error loading shared libraries on parallel execution
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] pw.x running but nothing happens
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 26
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] using ev.x
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] using ev.x
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] performance of occupation='fixed' and ='smearing'
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] performance of occupation='fixed' and ='smearing'
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] input file for isolated atom
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Problem in spin polarisation
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Res: tetrahedron method
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Fortran runtime error
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] convert ABINIT pseudopotential to UPF format
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] occupations from input
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Density functional for Van der Walls interactions
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Geometry optimization does not converge
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] problem in phonon in prallel
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] about OMP_NUM_THREADS
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] epsilon.x
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] About example 22
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] error in scf calculation
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] vc_relax problem
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] bug in mm_dispersion.f90
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] bug in mm_dispersion.f90
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of projected density of states
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] problem in DOS caluclattion
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] references for philosophy of parallel execution
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] using ev.x
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] using ev.x
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] problem with charge density with xcrysden
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] K Points and Band structures
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Problem in spin polarisation
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Problem in spin polarisation
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 47
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Are Lowdin charge populations reliable ?
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] error
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Fw: isolated atom
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] tot_magnetization value
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] bug in mm_dispersion.f90
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Generalized "Linhard-Like" Dielectric Function
Paul M. Grant
- [Pw_forum] Kirzhnits, Maximov, Khomskii
Paul M. Grant
- [Pw_forum] V - cohesive energy
Rafael Julian Gonzalez Hernandez
- [Pw_forum] Arbitrary k-points
Eyvaz Isaev
- [Pw_forum] Geometry optimization does not converge
Gunther Jegert
- [Pw_forum] Geometry optimization does not converge
Gunther Jegert
- [Pw_forum] convergence test for chromium
Ary Junior
- [Pw_forum] using ev.x
Tone Kokalj
- [Pw_forum] << Importing atomic coordinates in PWgui >>
Tone Kokalj
- [Pw_forum] equilibrium lattice constant determination
Emine Kucukbenli
- [Pw_forum] epsilon.x
Emine Kucukbenli
- [Pw_forum] about OMP_NUM_THREADS
Jason Larkin
- [Pw_forum] Temporary directory supposedly non existent or not writable
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] << Surface calculations setup >>
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of projected density of states
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] occupancy number
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Help in using xcrysden for making structures
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Lowdin charge problem
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] error loading shared libraries on parallel execution
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Phonon with Norm - Conserving pseudopotential
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Problem in spin polarisation
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] The low usage of CUPs
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] resp_mat.f90
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 47
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] thin film construction
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Fw: defect formation energy
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Acceptable error in cohesive energy
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] slab/cluster calculation for silicate
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Fw: isolated atom
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 82
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] epsilon.x
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] convergence test for chromium
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] tetrahedron method
Clark Lee
- [Pw_forum] Dynamical Matrix at the equivalent q-points in phonon dispersion calculations
Zhong-Li Liu
- [Pw_forum] Dynamical Matrix at the equivalent q-points in phonon dispersion calculations
Zhong-Li Liu
- [Pw_forum] Hyperfine interaction in Li-Mn compounds?
Gregor Mali
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 5
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] references for philosophy of parallel execution
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] Use of wannier90.x for the calculation of Born Effective Charge
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] O.pw91-van_ak.UPF oxygen pseudopotential
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] isolated atom
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] Six-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor V.S. Intel XEON 5500 series
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] Arbitrary k-points
Samir Ranjan Meher
- [Pw_forum] About example 22
Carlo Nervi
- [Pw_forum] cohesive energy
William Parker
- [Pw_forum] pseudo potential
Mansoureh Pashangpour
- [Pw_forum] pseudo potential
Mansoureh Pashangpour
- [Pw_forum] About NMR calculations for metallic system.
Serguei Patchkovskii
- [Pw_forum] occupancy number
Padmaja Patnaik
- [Pw_forum] occupancy number
Padmaja Patnaik
- [Pw_forum] Re : Re:Pseudopotential for Li
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Re : Re:Pseudopotential for Li
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Xcrysden crashes!
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] problem in DOS caluclattion
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] How to figure out machine accuracy
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] pw.x running but nothing happens
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] pw.x running but nothing happens
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Band structure calculation
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 32
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] performance of occupation='fixed' and ='smearing'
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Spin polarisation for odd number of electrons
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] nelup and neldw in Qespresso
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] K Points and Band structures
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] The low usage of CUPs
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 47
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] occupations from input
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Fortran runtime error
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Res: tetrahedron method
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] calculation of 'local' moments in a scf calculation
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] convert pseudopotential from Castep format to Pwscf format
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] occupations from input
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] problem with projwfc.x
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] problem with projwfc.x
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] problem with projwfc.x
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Energy convergence in a scf calculation
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Energy convergence in a scf calculation
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] occupations from input
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] compile QE
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] << Importing atomic coordinates in PWgui >>
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Is the constrain card avaible?
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Density functional for Van der Walls interactions
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] scf calculation crashed for "diagonalization (ZHEGV*) failed".
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Geometry optimization does not converge
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] how to improve the calculation speed ?
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 74
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Fw: isolated atom
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] from electrons : error # 1 charge is wrong
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] why SCF calculation for isolated atom is tricky
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] from electrons : error # 1 charge is wrong
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] about OMP_NUM_THREADS
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] about OMP_NUM_THREADS
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] tot _magnetization value
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] error in scf calculation
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] convergence test for chromium
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] scf calculation crashed for "diagonalization (ZHEGV*) failed".
Haowei Peng
- [Pw_forum] How can I search the mail list archive?
Haowei Peng
- [Pw_forum] scf calculation crashed for "diagonalization (ZHEGV*) failed".
Haowei Peng
- [Pw_forum] How can I search the mail list archive?
Haowei Peng
- [Pw_forum] scf calculation crashed for "diagonalization (ZHEGV*) failed".
Haowei Peng
- [Pw_forum] scf calculation crashed for "diagonalization (ZHEGV*) failed".
Haowei Peng
- [Pw_forum] Running on cluster often turn up
- [Pw_forum] about OMP_NUM_THREADS
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 82
- [Pw_forum] forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
- [Pw_forum] forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred (James J Ramsey)
- [Pw_forum] error loading shared libraries on parallel execution
Bipul Rakshit
- [Pw_forum] pw.x running but nothing happens
Bipul Rakshit
- [Pw_forum] About missing q-points in
Bipul Rakshit
- [Pw_forum] compile QE
James J Ramsey
- [Pw_forum] forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
James J Ramsey
- [Pw_forum] vc_relax problem
Marcello Rosini
- [Pw_forum] Re : Re:Pseudopotential for Li
- [Pw_forum] Re : Re:Pseudopotential for Li
- [Pw_forum] Re : Re:Pseudopotential for Li
- [Pw_forum] Xcrysden crashes!
- [Pw_forum] Titanium atomic positions
- [Pw_forum] Titanium atomic positions
- [Pw_forum] Titanium atomic positions
- [Pw_forum] O.pw91-van_ak.UPF oxygen pseudopotential
- [Pw_forum] O.pw91-van_ak.UPF oxygen pseudopotential
- [Pw_forum] What is the difference between total and absolute magnetization?
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Xcrysden crashes!
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] occupancy number
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of projected density of states
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] << Surface calculations setup >>
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Titanium atomic positions
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] problem in DOS caluclattion
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of projected denstiy of states
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] pseudo potential
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Help in using xcrysden for making structures
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Arbitrary k-points
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] using ev.x
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] performance of occupation='fixed' and ='smearing'
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Spin polarisation for odd number of electrons
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] problem with charge density with xcrysden
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] problem with charge density with xcrysden
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] input file for isolated atom
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] [Fwd: Re: problem with charge density with xcrysden]
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] scf calculation crashed for "diagonalization (ZHEGV*) failed".
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Fw: defect formation energy
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Fw: isolated atom
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 76
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] from electrons : error # 1 charge is wrong
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Fw: isolated atom
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] about OMP_NUM_THREADS
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] tefield and LSDA II
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] tefield and LSDA II
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] spin orbital structure in crystal
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] bug in mm_dispersion.f90
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] vdw
Olga Sedelnikova
- [Pw_forum] parallel matrix problem
Marc Segovia
- [Pw_forum] Band structure calculation
Dimpy Sharma
- [Pw_forum] Energy convergence in a scf calculation
Dimpy Sharma
- [Pw_forum] Calculating Projected density of states in Quantum espresso
Shaptrishi Sharma
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 5
Shaptrishi Sharma
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of projected density of states
Shaptrishi Sharma
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of projected denstiy of states
Shaptrishi Sharma
- [Pw_forum] Spin polarisation for odd number of electrons
Shaptrishi Sharma
- [Pw_forum] nelup and neldw in Qespresso
Shaptrishi Sharma
- [Pw_forum] K Points and Band structures
Shaptrishi Sharma
- [Pw_forum] Problem in spin polarisation
Shaptrishi Sharma
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 47
Shaptrishi Sharma
- [Pw_forum] Help in using xcrysden for making structures
Neel Singh
- [Pw_forum] problem with projwfc.x
Neel Singh
- [Pw_forum] from electrons : error # 1 charge is wrong
Neel Singh
- [Pw_forum] problem with projwfc.x
Nicholas E. Singh-Miller
- [Pw_forum] How to control number of slabs in pwcond calculation?
Alexandre Smogunov
- [Pw_forum] How to figure out machine accuracy
Manoj Srivastava
- [Pw_forum] How to figure out machine accuracy
Manoj Srivastava
- [Pw_forum] How to control number of slabs in pwcond calculation?
Manoj Srivastava
- [Pw_forum] relaxating only z coordinate?
Manoj Srivastava
- [Pw_forum] relaxating only z coordinate?
Manoj Srivastava
- [Pw_forum] relaxating only z coordinate
Manoj Srivastava
- [Pw_forum] GWW-band (P. Umari)
Geoffrey Stenuit
- [Pw_forum] How can I search the mail list archive?
Michael Sullivan
- [Pw_forum] Density functional for Van der Walls interactions
Devis Di Tommaso
- [Pw_forum] Density functional for Van der Walls interactions
Devis Di Tommaso
- [Pw_forum] Titanium atomic positions
Hande Ustunel
- [Pw_forum] Is the constrain card avaible?
Lu Yunhao
- [Pw_forum] Is the constrain card avaible?
Lu Yunhao
- [Pw_forum] Is the constrain card avaible?
Lu Yunhao
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
Huiqun Zhou
- [Pw_forum] calculating cohesive energy
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] Titanium atomic positions
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] Titanium atomic positions
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] choosing degauss value
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] how to pick degauss
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] All electron calculations for Cr and Ti
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] All electron calculations for Cr and Ti
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] using ev.x
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] using ev.x
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] input file for isolated atom
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] input file for isolated atom
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] input file for isolated atom
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] occupations from input
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] occupations from input
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] occupations from input
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] Acceptable error in cohesive energy
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] why SCF calculation for isolated atom is tricky
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] convergence test for chromium
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] convergence test for chromium
udayagiri sai babu
- [Pw_forum] tefield and LSDA
hanghui chen
- [Pw_forum] tefield and LSDA II
hanghui chen
- [Pw_forum] Fw: defect formation energy
marsamos at
- [Pw_forum] Fw: defect formation energy
marsamos at
- [Pw_forum] epsilon.x
marsamos at
- [Pw_forum] GWW-band (P. Umari)
umari at
- [Pw_forum] Lowdin charge problem
loc duong ding
- [Pw_forum] references for philosophy of parallel execution
sreekar guddeti
- [Pw_forum] error loading shared libraries on parallel execution
sreekar guddeti
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 23
sreekar guddeti
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 24
sreekar guddeti
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 25
sreekar guddeti
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 26
sreekar guddeti
- [Pw_forum] sorry for posting message in wrong format
sreekar guddeti
- [Pw_forum] calculation of 'local' moments in a scf calculation
sreekar guddeti
- [Pw_forum] occupations from input
sreekar guddeti
- [Pw_forum] occupations from input
sreekar guddeti
- [Pw_forum] occupations from input
sreekar guddeti
- [Pw_forum] Acceptable error in cohesive energy
sreekar guddeti
- [Pw_forum] from electrons : error # 1 charge is wrong
sreekar guddeti
- [Pw_forum] equilibrium lattice constant determination
sreekar guddeti
- [Pw_forum] problem in DOS caluclattion
lan haiping
- [Pw_forum] relaxating only z coordinate?
lan haiping
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 82
lan haiping
- [Pw_forum] A question from He Lin
- [Pw_forum] calculating cohesive energy
elbuesta at
- [Pw_forum] tot_magnetization value
kajal jindal
- [Pw_forum] tot _magnetization value
kajal jindal
- [Pw_forum] how to pick degauss
shobhana at
- [Pw_forum] GWW-band
ali kazempour
- [Pw_forum] Fw: defect formation energy
ali kazempour
- [Pw_forum] write occupancy
ali kazempour
- [Pw_forum] isolated atom
ali kazempour
- [Pw_forum] Fw: isolated atom
ali kazempour
- [Pw_forum] Fw: isolated atom
ali kazempour
- [Pw_forum] Fw: isolated atom
ali kazempour
- [Pw_forum] symmetry of defect state
ali kazempour
- [Pw_forum] defect symmetry
ali kazempour
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of projected denstiy of states
e kb
- [Pw_forum] vdw
e kb
- [Pw_forum] using ev.x
e kb
- [Pw_forum] Are Lowdin charge populations reliable ?
siva rama krishna
- [Pw_forum] to Neel singh
ramesh kumar
- [Pw_forum] Six-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor V.S. Intel XEON 5500 series
vega lew
- [Pw_forum] Lowdin charge problem
- [Pw_forum] slab/cluster calculation for silicate
isaac motochi
- [Pw_forum] slab/cluster calculation for silicate
isaac motochi
- [Pw_forum] spin orbital structure in crystal
yumin qian
- [Pw_forum] spin orbital structure in crystal
yumin qian
- [Pw_forum] Phonon with Norm - Conserving pseudopotential
meghdad saeedian
- [Pw_forum] Phonon with Norm - Conserving pseudopotential
meghdad saeedian
- [Pw_forum] convert pseudopotential from Castep format to Pwscf format
meghdad saeedian
- [Pw_forum] convert ABINIT pseudopotential to UPF format
meghdad saeedian
- [Pw_forum] calculating cohesive energy
ambavale sagar
- [Pw_forum] Calculating Projected density of states in Quantum espresso
ambavale sagar
- [Pw_forum] relaxating only z coordinate
ambavale sagar
- [Pw_forum] problem in DOS caluclattion
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] problem in DOS caluclattion
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] Titanium atomic positions
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] problem with monoclinic cell with ibrav=0
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] problem with charge density with xcrysden
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] problem with charge density with xcrysden
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] problem with charge density with xcrysden
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] K Points and Band structures
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] K Points and Band structures
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] problem with projwfc.x
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] problem with projwfc.x
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] thin film construction
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] thin film construction
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] How can I search the mail list archive?
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] thin film construction
dev sharma
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] from electrons : error # 1 charge is wrong
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] from electrons : error # 1 charge is wrong
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] problem in phonon in prallel
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] problem in phonon in prallel
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] epsilon.x
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] epsilon.x
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] epsilon.x
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] epsilon.x
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] electro-optic properties
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] Re : electro-optic properties
dev sharma
- [Pw_forum] performance of occupation='fixed' and ='smearing'
- [Pw_forum] performance of occupation='fixed' and
- [Pw_forum] performance of occupation='fixed' and ='smearing'
- [Pw_forum] performance of occupation='fixed' and ='smearing'
- [Pw_forum] problem with charge density with xcrysden
- [Pw_forum] compile QE
shoutian sun
- [Pw_forum] error
shoutian sun
- [Pw_forum] GWW-band
iori at
- [Pw_forum] pw.x running but nothing happens
- [Pw_forum] pw.x running but nothing happens
- [Pw_forum] pw.x running but nothing happens
- [Pw_forum] pw.x running but nothing happens
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 32
- [Pw_forum] The low usage of CUPs
- [Pw_forum] how to improve the calculation speed ?
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 74
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 76
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 27, Issue 78
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of projected density of states
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
- [Pw_forum] Symmetry of the band states
- [Pw_forum] performance of occupation='fixed' and ='smearing'
- [Pw_forum] How to control number of slabs in pwcond calculation?
- [Pw_forum] How to control number of slabs in pwcond calculation?
- [Pw_forum] occupations from input
- [Pw_forum] occupations from input
- [Pw_forum] thin film construction
- [Pw_forum] scf calculation crashed for "diagonalization (ZHEGV*) failed".
- [Pw_forum] thin film construction
- [Pw_forum] Fw: defect formation energy
- [Pw_forum] Dynamical Matrix at the equivalent q-points in phonon dispersion calculations
- [Pw_forum] About example 22
- [Pw_forum] tot_magnetization value
- [Pw_forum] error in scf calculation
- [Pw_forum] is there PAW PP for cabon
xu yuehua
- [Pw_forum] Temperature of Raman spectra
- [Pw_forum] Temperature of Raman spectra (Stefano Baroni)
- [Pw_forum] Projected DOS
- [Pw_forum] What is the difference between total and absolute magnetization?
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
- [Pw_forum] Temperature of Raman spectra
- [Pw_forum] Relaxation doesn't converge
- [Pw_forum] Symmetry of the band states
- [Pw_forum] is there PAW PP for cabon
- [Pw_forum] Fortran runtime error
- [Pw_forum] Fortran runtime error: ALLOCATE:
- [Pw_forum] calculation of 'local' moments in a scf calculation
- [Pw_forum] workfunction and efield
- [Pw_forum] workfunction and efield
- [Pw_forum] workfunction and efield
- [Pw_forum] 来自陆春海的邮件
- [Pw_forum] Can I calculate the NMR shift for metallic system??
Last message date:
Wed Sep 30 22:43:39 CEST 2009
Archived on: Wed Sep 30 22:43:50 CEST 2009
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