[Pw_forum] O.pw91-van_ak.UPF oxygen pseudopotential

Bertrand SITAMTZE siyouber at yahoo.fr
Sat Sep 5 16:18:34 CEST 2009

Dear all, 

 I wanted to use the pseudopotential "O.pw91-van_ak.UPF" downloaded from the QE espresso web site. But there is something strange: In the human-readable section
 of the file, there are two unusual things:

1) The Rcut is set to 10.0000000. Is it not too high? According to me, this number should be between 0.90 and 1.20
2) The pricipal quantum number of the 2S state is set to 2, 
   and I think  it should be 1.

I would like you to shed more light on this issue.
A comment from somebody who has already use this pseudopotential is welcomed.

Also, I would like you to confirm, as Lorenzo 
wrote some days ago, that a pseudowavefunction with 
opposite sign of that of all electron wavefunction is still

Thanks for your reaction

PhD Student
Department of physics
University of Yaoundé I-Cameroon

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