[Pw_forum] Density functional for Van der Walls interactions
Lorenzo Paulatto
paulatto at sissa.it
Wed Sep 16 15:30:34 CEST 2009
In data 16 settembre 2009 alle ore 15:22:36, Devis Di Tommaso
<ditommas at googlemail.com> ha scritto:
> If yes, where can I get more information on how to use this functional
> in the CP and PWSCF codes.
Dear Devis,
as far as I know for pw.x it is as easy as setting the following variables
in the &system namelist:
london = .true.
london_s6 = 0.75 ! this is the default
london_rcut = 200.00 ! this is the default
the meaning of s6 and rcut should be accordingly to V. Barone et al. J.
Comp. Chem., 30, 934 (2009).
I don't know if it is implemented in cp.x too.
best regards
Lorenzo Paulatto
phone: +39 040 3787 511
skype: paulatz
www: http://people.sissa.it/~paulatto/
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