May 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Tue May 1 09:43:18 CEST 2012
Ending: Thu May 31 22:05:39 CEST 2012
Messages: 231
- [Pw_forum] Polarization vectors and force constants file format
- [Pw_forum] Force constants
- [Pw_forum] el-ph calculations
- [Pw_forum] el-ph calculations
- [Pw_forum] error while installing QE
Amrit Abhilash
- [Pw_forum] publication
Sohail Ahmad
- [Pw_forum] Construction of PtH structure, wrong pointgroup problem
Bahadir Altintas
- [Pw_forum] Construction of PtH structure, wrong pointgroup problem
Bahadir Altintas
- [Pw_forum] Construction of PtH structure, wrong pointgroup problem
Bahadir Altintas
- [Pw_forum] KZK functional
Sam Azadi
- [Pw_forum] Change in the number of qe-forge users
Michael Banck
- [Pw_forum] Work function calculation
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] smearing and electronic temperture
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] band parallelization in QE
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] Pseudopotentials for Pseudo-Hydrogens
Vic Bermudez
- [Pw_forum] Job Termination and convergence
Simon Binnie
- [Pw_forum] GaAs surface with fractional charges H Zval=1.25, very large estimated scf accuracy
Magdalena Birowska
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 59, Issue 19
Magdalena Birowska
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 59, Issue 20
Magdalena Birowska
- [Pw_forum] cutoff convergence of sapphire for elastic properties
Jörg Buchwald
- [Pw_forum] cutoff convergence of sapphire for elastic properties
Jörg Buchwald
- [Pw_forum] cutoff convergence of sapphire for elastic properties
Jörg Buchwald
- [Pw_forum] Questions on the warning message from relax calculation
Tram Bui
- [Pw_forum] Magnetic susceptibility in GIPAW calculation
Davide Ceresoli
- [Pw_forum] Reduced density gradient
Davide Ceresoli
- [Pw_forum] Reduced density gradient
Davide Ceresoli
- [Pw_forum] GIPAW and nosymm
Davide Ceresoli
- [Pw_forum] Help: About spin-polarization
Jia Chen
- [Pw_forum] Conversion from conventional to primitive cell
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] Conversion from conventional to primitive cell
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] Using scalapack in PW/tests causes failures
Jack Deslippe
- [Pw_forum] Four Electron Pseudopotnetial for tin: US vs NC-PP
Giovani Faccin
- [Pw_forum] Four Electron Pseudopotnetial for tin: US vs NC-PP
Giovani Faccin
- [Pw_forum] PAW pseudopotential with gipaw reconstruction
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] DOS per eV per volume
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] Determining Bandgap with DOS
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] A long relaxation
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] problem with chdens with ibrav=0
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] PP conversion from ABINIT format to UPF format
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] KZK functional
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] HSE&PBE0 problem
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] regarding weight factor
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] GaAs surface with fractional charges H Zval=1.25, very large estimated scf accuracy
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Errors in PS-KS equation
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Choosing awin for planar average calculations
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Shift in K points
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] GaAs surface with fractional charges H Zval=1.25, very large estimated scf accuracy
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Harris-Foulkes estimate
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Irreps and vibrational modes
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] el-ph calculations
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Splitting phonon calculation over q point and irr
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Questions on the warning message from relax calculation
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Help: About spin-polarization
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Change in the behavior of "Reply"
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] ld1.x and virtual.x compatibility
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Problem with NEB run
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Pseudopotentials for Pseudo-Hydrogens
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] The phonon frequency unit in matdyn.x v5.0
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Construction of PtH structure, wrong pointgroup problem
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Construction of PtH structure, wrong pointgroup problem
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Using scalapack in PW/tests causes failures
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Using scalapack in PW/tests causes failures
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] linking to math libraries in QE 5.0
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] linking to math libraries in QE 5.0
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] linking to math libraries in QE 5.0
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] publication
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] R: Re: NOSYM tag + atomization energy
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] erroe in compilation Espresso-5.0
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] problem with chdens with ibrav=0
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] absorption
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] nk1,nk2,nk3 selection rule for HCP
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] quick question about the input file for phonon calculations at a point
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] symmetry of the electron-phonon coupling coefficients
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Four Electron Pseudopotnetial for tin: US vs NC-PP
Sven Heiles
- [Pw_forum] pwscf question- R-halide comparison
Tony Phuc Hoang
- [Pw_forum] Regarding instillation problem in cluster system
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] benzoic acid structure optimization
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] benzoic acid structure optimization
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] cutoff convergence of sapphire for elastic properties
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] error while installing QE
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] linking to math libraries in QE 5.0
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] Quantum ESPRESSO release 5.0
Tone Kokalj
- [Pw_forum] symmetry of the electron-phonon coupling coefficients
Alex Kutana
- [Pw_forum] symmetry of the electron-phonon coupling coefficients
Alex Kutana
- [Pw_forum] Help: About spin-polarization
Huazhong Liu
- [Pw_forum] quick question about the input file for phonon calculations at a point
Elie M
- [Pw_forum] quick question about the input file for phonon calculations at a point
Elie M
- [Pw_forum] Irreps and vibrational modes
Elie M
- [Pw_forum] Irreps and vibrational modes
Elie M
- [Pw_forum] Irreps and vibrational modes
Elie M
- [Pw_forum] g77 compiler specification
Elie M
- [Pw_forum] virtual states in TDDFT (turbo_lanczos.x) calculations
O. Baris Malcioglu
- [Pw_forum] Splitting phonon calculation over q point and irr
Rui Mao
- [Pw_forum] Splitting phonon calculation over q point and irr
Rui Mao
- [Pw_forum] Splitting phonon calculation over q point and irr
Rui Mao
- [Pw_forum] HSE&PBE0 problem
Layla Martin-Samos
- [Pw_forum] Quantum ESPRESSO release 5.0
Layla Martin-Samos
- [Pw_forum] Change in the number of qe-forge users
Layla Martin-Samos
- [Pw_forum] Quantum ESPRESSO Highlights 2011, thank s to all contributors
Layla Martin-Samos
- [Pw_forum] [Q-e-developers] [Pw_users] Change in the number of qe-forge users
Layla Martin-Samos
- [Pw_forum] publication
Layla Martin-Samos
- [Pw_forum] cutoff convergence of sapphire for elastic properties
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] cutoff convergence of sapphire for elastic properties
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] About Elastic Constants ?
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of lattic constants and bulk modulus od w-ZnO
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] benzoic acid structure optimization
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] PAW pseudopotential with gipaw reconstruction
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] PAW pseudopotential with gipaw reconstruction
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] PAW pseudopotential with gipaw reconstruction
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] PAW pseudopotential with gipaw reconstruction
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] GaAs surface with fractional charges H Zval=1.25, very large estimated scf accuracy
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] Errors in PS-KS equation
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] Determining Bandgap with DOS
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] Help: About spin-polarization
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] Help: About spin-polarization
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] Pseudopotentials for Ga
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] Is spin polarized vdW-DF implemented in QE 5.0?
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] HSE vs PBE
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] R: Re: HSE vs PBE
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] virtual states in TDDFT (turbo_lanczos.x) calculations
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] virtual states in TDDFT (turbo_lanczos.x) calculations
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] cutoff convergence of sapphire for elastic properties
Michael Mehl
- [Pw_forum] About Elastic Constants ?
Michael Mehl
- [Pw_forum] cutoff convergence of sapphire for elastic properties
Mike Mehl
- [Pw_forum] Job Termination and convergence
Victor Meng'wa
- [Pw_forum] Surface Band structure calculation
Victor Meng'wa
- [Pw_forum] Is spin polarized vdW-DF implemented in QE 5.0?
Sahar Mirshamsi
- [Pw_forum] A long relaxation
Pedro Augusto F. P. Moreira
- [Pw_forum] Fwd: Re: A long relaxation
Pedro Augusto F. P. Moreira
- [Pw_forum] QHA compilation
Abolore Musari
- [Pw_forum] QHA compilation
Abolore Musari
- [Pw_forum] [Q-e-developers] Change in the number of qe-forge users
Carlo Nervi
- [Pw_forum] GIPAW and nosymm
Carlo Nervi
- [Pw_forum] QHA compilation
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Regarding anharmonic IFCs
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Four Electron Pseudopotnetial for tin: US vs NC-PP
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Four Electron Pseudopotnetial for tin: US vs NC-PP
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] occupations
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] radius of the "core" in pseudopotential
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] electron phonon
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] some help on D3 code
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Splitting phonon calculation over q point and irr
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Splitting phonon calculation over q point and irr
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] A little energy gap (~ 0.2 eV) for graphene
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Do not match
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] NOSYM tag
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] V_tot potential curve of vdw-DF is not smooth away from nuclei
PJ Ren
- [Pw_forum] A little energy gap (~ 0.2 eV) for graphene
PJ Ren
- [Pw_forum] [Q-e-developers] [Pw_users] Change in the number of qe-forge users
Nichols A. Romero
- [Pw_forum] radius of the "core" in pseudopotential
- [Pw_forum] iotk error
Sergey Samsonov
- [Pw_forum] requesting for thermodynamical properties
Kondaiah Samudrala
- [Pw_forum] occupations
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Error in getting the transmission results.
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] A little energy gap (~ 0.2 eV) for graphene
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Pseudopotentials for Pseudo-Hydrogens
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Pseudopotentials for Pseudo-Hydrogens
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Force constants
Dhruv Singh
- [Pw_forum] [Q-e-developers] Change in the number of qe-forge users
Filippo Spiga
- [Pw_forum] nk1,nk2,nk3 selection rule for HCP
Divya Srivastava
- [Pw_forum] A little energy gap (~ 0.2 eV) for graphene
Cao TF
- [Pw_forum] A little energy gap (~ 0.2 eV) for graphene
Cao TF
- [Pw_forum] Magnetic susceptibility in GIPAW calculation
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] starting and expecting charges are differ when using ph.x
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] quick question about the input file for phonon calculations at a point
Ajit Vallabhaneni
- [Pw_forum] Choosing awin for planar average calculations
Izaak Williamson
- [Pw_forum] Determining Bandgap with DOS
Izaak Williamson
- [Pw_forum] Conversion from conventional to primitive cell
- [Pw_forum] The phonon frequency unit in matdyn.x v5.0
- [Pw_forum] The phonon frequency unit in matdyn.x v5.0 (sorry for the wrong Fig in last one)
- [Pw_forum] The phonon frequency unit in matdyn.x v5.0
- [Pw_forum] How can I get the Tc Hopfield parameter and the average of the squared phonon frequencies.
Wei Zhou
- [Pw_forum] ld1.x and virtual.x compatibility
Marino Vetuschi Zuccolini
- [Pw_forum] ld1.x and virtual.x compatibility
Marino Vetuschi Zuccolini
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
ramzi alaya
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
ramzi alaya
- [Pw_forum] Pseudopotentials for Ga
ramzi alaya
- [Pw_forum] absorption
bf azi
- [Pw_forum] too many bands are not converged
bf azi
- [Pw_forum] occupations
bf azi
- [Pw_forum] Harris-Foulkes estimate
bf azi
- [Pw_forum] Errors in PS-KS equation
jia chen
- [Pw_forum] Errors in PS-KS equation
jia chen
- [Pw_forum] symmetry operation not allowed
karan deep
- [Pw_forum] band structur
somayeh fotohi
- [Pw_forum] PP conversion from ABINIT format to UPF format
mayank gupta
- [Pw_forum] Dielectric constant of metal oxides
mayank gupta
- [Pw_forum] zone boundary is not coming out correctly
mayank gupta
- [Pw_forum] piezoelectricity
hamid hasanzadeh
- [Pw_forum] Do not match
Amir hosseini
- [Pw_forum] Regarding instillation problem in cluster system
himanshu at
- [Pw_forum] regarding weight factor
himanshu at
- [Pw_forum] Reduced density gradient
- [Pw_forum] Reduced density gradient
- [Pw_forum] band parallelization in QE
- [Pw_forum] HSE vs PBE
giacsport at
- [Pw_forum] R: Re: HSE vs PBE
giacsport at
- [Pw_forum] NOSYM tag
giacsport at
- [Pw_forum] R: Re: NOSYM tag + atomization energy
giacsport at
- [Pw_forum] linking to math libraries in QE 5.0
- [Pw_forum] linking to math libraries in QE 5.0
- [Pw_forum] linking to math libraries in QE 5.0
- [Pw_forum] Work function calculation
vasudevan m.v
- [Pw_forum] HSE&PBE0 problem
debbichi mourad
- [Pw_forum] HSE&PBE0 problem
debbichi mourad
- [Pw_forum] Shift in K points
manoj narayanan
- [Pw_forum] Problem...saw tooth like band structure for ZB GaN
bramha pandey
- [Pw_forum] benzoic acid structure optimization
mohnish pandey
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of lattic constants and bulk modulus od w-ZnO
mohnish pandey
- [Pw_forum] About Elastic Constants ?
zafar rasheed
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of lattic constants and bulk modulus od w-ZnO
zafar rasheed
- [Pw_forum] benzoic acid structure optimization
matt reish
- [Pw_forum] benzoic acid structure optimization
matt reish
- [Pw_forum] benzoic acid structure optimization
matt reish
- [Pw_forum] erroe in compilation Espresso-5.0
meghdad saeedian
- [Pw_forum] smearing and electronic temperture
bhabya sahoo
- [Pw_forum] electron phonon
bhabya sahoo
- [Pw_forum] Fwd: electron phonon
bhabya sahoo
- [Pw_forum] Fwd: electron phonon
bhabya sahoo
- [Pw_forum] Error in getting the transmission results.
pankaj sahota
- [Pw_forum] DOS per eV per volume
pari shok
- [Pw_forum] DOS per eV/volume
pari shok
- [Pw_forum] chemical potential of an element
vicky singh
- [Pw_forum] g77 compiler specification
wxpurw at
- [Pw_forum] A little energy gap (~ 0.2 eV) for graphene
- [Pw_forum] Regarding anharmonic IFCs
david yang
- [Pw_forum] some help on D3 code
david yang
- [Pw_forum] slow speed of D3 code
david yang
- [Pw_forum] Problem with NEB run
Евгений Пермяков
- [Pw_forum] Problem with NEB run
Евгений Пермяков
Last message date:
Thu May 31 22:05:39 CEST 2012
Archived on: Thu May 31 22:05:46 CEST 2012
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