July 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jul 1 09:43:02 CEST 2012
Ending: Tue Jul 31 21:37:19 CEST 2012
Messages: 372
- No subject
- [Pw_forum] Pseudopotential for MoS2
Sohail Ahmad
- [Pw_forum] Pseudo potential MoS2
Sohail Ahmad
- [Pw_forum] Error #17 in Convergence test of MoS2
Sohail Ahmad
- [Pw_forum] Error #19 MoS2 ecutoff convergence test
Sohail Ahmad
- [Pw_forum] Creating a vacuum and isolating cell of 2layers
Sohail Ahmad
- [Pw_forum] ecutwfc
Sohail Ahmad
- [Pw_forum] nscf calculation
Sohail Ahmad
- [Pw_forum] self consistent calculation
Sohail Ahmad
- [Pw_forum] Band Structure and nscf calculation
Sohail Ahmad
- [Pw_forum] k points weights
Sohail Ahmad
- [Pw_forum] pw91 pseudopotential for Se
Sohail Ahmad
- [Pw_forum] MoS2 -monolayer input -
Sohail Ahmad
- [Pw_forum] convergence problem for charged simulation cell
Alexey Akimov
- [Pw_forum] Request
Amin Amin
- [Pw_forum] Problem with epsilon.x
Bohdan Andriyevskyy
- [Pw_forum] Old problem with cppp.x
Negar Ashari Astani
- [Pw_forum] Old problem with cppp.x
Negar Ashari Astani
- [Pw_forum] Old problem with cppp.x
Negar Ashari Astani
- [Pw_forum] augmentation charge importance in calculation of local dos
Yavar Taghipour Azar
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
Yavar Taghipour Azar
- [Pw_forum] [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 10.00/5.0] Re: (no subject)
Yavar Taghipour Azar
- [Pw_forum] [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 10.00/5.0] Re: [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 10.00/5.0] Re: (no subject)
Yavar Taghipour Azar
- [Pw_forum] [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 10.00/5.0] Re: [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 10.00/5.0] Re: [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 10.00/5.0] Re: (no subject)
Yavar Taghipour Azar
- [Pw_forum] HOMO,LUMO isosurface, USPP or NCPP?
Yavar Taghipour Azar
- [Pw_forum] HOMO, LUMO isosurfaces. NCPP or USPP, which is more accurate?
Yavar Taghipour Azar
- [Pw_forum] HOMO,LUMO isosurface, USPP or NCPP?
Yavar Taghipour Azar
- [Pw_forum] HOMO,LUMO isosurface, USPP or NCPP?
Yavar Taghipour Azar
- [Pw_forum] phonon
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] core level shifting calculation
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] TDDFT with turbo_lanczos.x
Simon Binnie
- [Pw_forum] Etot in cp.x vs pw.x
Simon Binnie
- [Pw_forum] little 'bug' in bands_FS
Cristian Degli Esposti Boschi
- [Pw_forum] help
Nyaruanda Calvince
- [Pw_forum] Problem in Bands of Graphene Nanoribbon
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] help
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] Problem on compiling espresso-4.3.2
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] Reciprocity of Supercells & BZ Sampling
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] Problem on compiling espresso-4.3.2
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] GIPAW for metallic system
Davide Ceresoli
- [Pw_forum] GIPAW for metallic system
Davide Ceresoli
- [Pw_forum] Wrong representation in 5.0
Davide Ceresoli
- [Pw_forum] atomic projection in the band structure
Hanghui Chen
- [Pw_forum] U calculation in LDA+U
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] U calculation in LDA+U
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] U calculation in LDA+U
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] U calculation in LDA+U
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] U calculation in LDA+U
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] Relax in primitive cell or conventional cell
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] U calculation error
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] U calculation error
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] U calculation error
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] U calculation error
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] U calculation error
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] U calculation error
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] U calculation error
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] dipol correction in slab model calculations
Cheng-chau Chiu
- [Pw_forum] read out settings for ld1.x run from UPF-file
Cheng-chau Chiu
- [Pw_forum] U calculation in LDA+U
Matteo Cococcioni
- [Pw_forum] U calculation error
Matteo Cococcioni
- [Pw_forum] U calculation error
Matteo Cococcioni
- [Pw_forum] U calculation error
Matteo Cococcioni
- [Pw_forum] U calculation error
Matteo Cococcioni
- [Pw_forum] U calculation error
Matteo Cococcioni
- [Pw_forum] U calculation error
Matteo Cococcioni
- [Pw_forum] RE : error with spin polarized calculation with SOC
Andrea Dal Corso
- [Pw_forum] RE : error with spin polarized calculation with SOC
Andrea Dal Corso
- [Pw_forum] GRID example of e-ph
Andrea Dal Corso
- [Pw_forum] Problem with visualizing wave function with appropriate sign (using "lsign") in a spin-orbit calculation
Andrea Dal Corso
- [Pw_forum] anomaly in phonon frequencies as obtained using DFPT (ph.x) in a spin-orbit calculation
Andrea Dal Corso
- [Pw_forum] Wrong frequencies on STO phonons
Andrea Dal Corso
- [Pw_forum] Bug in PW/pw_readfile
Andrea Dal Corso
- [Pw_forum] RE : error with spin polarized calculation with SOC
- [Pw_forum] ntg with Hybrid Calculations
Jack Deslippe
- [Pw_forum] Convergence issues with Bulk Magnesium
Giovani Faccin
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of Gibbs free energies
Torstein Fjermestad
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of Gibbs free energies
Torstein Fjermestad
- [Pw_forum] parallelization of phonon calculations
Torstein Fjermestad
- [Pw_forum] parallelization of phonon calculations
Torstein Fjermestad
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 10.00/5.0] Re: (no subject)
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 10.00/5.0] Re: [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 10.00/5.0] Re: (no subject)
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] Kohn-Sham orbitals cube file, pp.x, output: 6
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] atomic projection in the band structure
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] dipol correction in slab model calculations
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] Total energy too low
David Furman
- [Pw_forum] GIPAW for metallic system
Prasenjit Ghosh
- [Pw_forum] GIPAW for metallic system
Prasenjit Ghosh
- [Pw_forum] GIPAW for metallic system
Prasenjit Ghosh
- [Pw_forum] Pseudo potential MoS2
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] unit cell of Beta-GaSe crystal
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] core level shifting calculation
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] I can't find the error :-(
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] I can't find the error :-(
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] bamd structure of FeS2
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] core level shifting calculation
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Kohn-Sham orbitals cube file, pp.x, output: 6
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Error #17 in Convergence test of MoS2
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Memory (RAM)
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] segfault in projwfc calculation
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of Gibbs free energies
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] GRID example of e-ph
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] q not allowed in example07
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] phonon eigenvector units
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] little 'bug' in bands_FS
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] q not allowed in example07
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] where I can find BLYP USPP for Ru?
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] q not allowed when running q2r.x
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Regarding QHA calculations
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Why does Ewald sum calculation need so much RAM
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Change Fermi energy in e-ph calculation
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Why does Ewald sum calculation need so much RAM
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] supercell contraction and cell_factor parameter
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] A question about the Ph.x code.
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Band structure of Diamagnetic system
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] scf calculation crashed for "diagonalization (ZHEGV*) failed".
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Why does Ewald sum calculation need so much RAM
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] ntg with Hybrid Calculations
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Input error?
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Band structure of Diamagnetic system
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] anomaly in phonon frequencies as obtained using DFPT (ph.x) in a spin-orbit calculation
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] relaxed structure output
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Wrong frequencies on STO phonons
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] atomic projection in the band structure
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Wrong frequencies on STO phonons
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Etot in cp.x vs pw.x
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Wrong frequencies on STO phonons
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Problem with epsilon.x
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Wrong frequencies on STO phonons
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] parallelization of phonon calculations
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Problem on runing espresso-4.3.2
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] pseudopotential
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] parallelization of phonon calculations
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] read out settings for ld1.x run from UPF-file
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] vc-md_NOT-STOP
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Fw: Re: Problem in using GGA+U for the PbSe Calculation
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Total energy too low
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Charge density as a percentage
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] I can't find the error
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Problems in Bands of Graphene Nanoribbon
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] U calculation in LDA+U
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Clarification on how to compute elastic constants
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Etot in cp.x vs pw.x
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] pseudopotential
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Request
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] Problem in Bands of Graphene Nanoribbon
Martin Gmitra
- [Pw_forum] Why does Ewald sum calculation need so much RAM
Thomas Gruber
- [Pw_forum] Why does Ewald sum calculation need so much RAM
Thomas Gruber
- [Pw_forum] Why does Ewald sum calculation need so much RAM
Thomas Gruber
- [Pw_forum] U calculation in LDA+U
Burak Himmetoglu
- [Pw_forum] U calculation in LDA+U
Burak Himmetoglu
- [Pw_forum] Change Fermi energy in e-ph calculation
Nicki Frank Hinsche
- [Pw_forum] Non collinear calculation
Niharika Joshi
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 61, Issue 11
Thaneshwor Kaloni
- [Pw_forum] error with spin polarized calculation with SOC
Thaneshwor Kaloni
- [Pw_forum] RE : error with spin polarized calculation with SOC
Thaneshwor Kaloni
- [Pw_forum] RE : error with spin polarized calculation with SOC
Thaneshwor Kaloni
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of the Graphene-Lithium System
Thaneshwor Kaloni
- [Pw_forum] Creating a vacuum and isolating cell of 2layers
Thaneshwor Kaloni
- [Pw_forum] self consistent calculation
Thaneshwor Kaloni
- [Pw_forum] Band Structure and nscf calculation
Thaneshwor Kaloni
- [Pw_forum] k points weights
Thaneshwor Kaloni
- [Pw_forum] Pseudopotential for MoS2
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] i can not see my email
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] make[2]: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] pseudopotential
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] k points weights
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] pseudopotential
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] LDA contribution
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] Problem in using GGA+U for the PbSe Calculation
Emine Kucukbenli
- [Pw_forum] QE installation on standard HPC machines.
Emine Kucukbenli
- [Pw_forum] pseudopotential
Emine Kucukbenli
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of the Graphene-Lithium System
Gulcin Kucukdalyan
- [Pw_forum] Hirshfeld Charges
Gulcin Kucukdalyan
- [Pw_forum] Bad data for namelist object mixing_mode
Ramesh Kumar
- [Pw_forum] Bad data for namelist object mixing_mode
Ramesh Kumar
- [Pw_forum] [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 10.00/5.0] Re: (no subject)
Sonu Kumar
- [Pw_forum] [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 10.00/5.0] Re: (no subject)
Sonu Kumar
- [Pw_forum] negative dr2
Sonu Kumar
- [Pw_forum] unit cell of Beta-GaSe crystal
Ayça Kırağası
- [Pw_forum] unit cell of Beta-GaSe crystal
Ayça Kırağası
- [Pw_forum] I can't find the error :-(
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] I can't find the error
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Input error?
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Gamm-point tricks
Duy Le
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] question about compiling espresso-4.3.2-GPU
Chengyang Li
- [Pw_forum] A question about the Ph.x code.
Filipe Camargo Dalmatti Alves Lima
- [Pw_forum] A question about the Ph.x code.
Filipe Camargo Dalmatti Alves Lima
- [Pw_forum] self consistent calculation
Filipe Camargo Dalmatti Alves Lima
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
Filipe Camargo Dalmatti Alves Lima
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
Filipe Camargo Dalmatti Alves Lima
- [Pw_forum] Error in QHA calculations
- [Pw_forum] Convergence issues with Bulk Magnesium
- [Pw_forum] Convergence issues with Bulk Magnesium
- [Pw_forum] Convergence issues with Bulk Magnesium
- [Pw_forum] release espresso 5.0.1
Layla Martin-Samos
- [Pw_forum] Problem in Bands of Graphene Nanoribbon
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] segfault in projwfc calculation
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] where I can find BLYP USPP for Ru?
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] Gamm-point tricks
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] read out settings for ld1.x run from UPF-file
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] phonon eigenvector units
David Miller
- [Pw_forum] Input error?
Pedro Augusto F. P. Moreira
- [Pw_forum] Input error?
Pedro Augusto F. P. Moreira
- [Pw_forum] bamd structure of FeS2
Abolore Musari
- [Pw_forum] Band structure of Diamagnetic system
Abolore Musari
- [Pw_forum] Band structure of Diamagnetic system
Abolore Musari
- [Pw_forum] Band structure of Diamagnetic system
Abolore Musari
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
Carlo Nervi
- [Pw_forum] Problem with visualizing wave function with appropriate sign (using "lsign") in a spin-orbit calculation
Koushik Pal
- [Pw_forum] anomaly in phonon frequencies as obtained using DFPT (ph.x) in a spin-orbit calculation
Koushik Pal
- [Pw_forum] anomaly in phonon frequencies as obtained using DFPT (ph.x) in a spin-orbit calculation
Koushik Pal
- [Pw_forum] parallelization of phonon calculations
William Parker
- [Pw_forum] parallelization of phonon calculations
William Parker
- [Pw_forum] Convergence issues with Bulk Magnesium
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] regarding phonon dispersion
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Error #19 MoS2 ecutoff convergence test
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of Gibbs free energies
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Etot in cp.x vs pw.x
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] ecutwfc
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Wrong representation in 5.0
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Question on Fractional occupation used to generate Mg.pw91-np-van.UPF
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Error while compiling Quantum Espresso
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Error while compiling Quantum Espresso
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] A question about the Ph.x code.
Claudio Perottoni
- [Pw_forum] HOMO,LUMO isosurface, USPP or NCPP?
Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin
- [Pw_forum] reg: phonon
Swetarekha Ram
- [Pw_forum] phonon
Swetarekha Ram
- [Pw_forum] reg: Tc calculation
Swetarekha Ram
- [Pw_forum] reg: pseudopotential
Swetarekha Ram
- [Pw_forum] q not allowed when running q2r.x
"Alejandro Rébola"
- [Pw_forum] Wrong frequencies on STO phonons
"Alejandro Rébola"
- [Pw_forum] Wrong frequencies on STO phonons
"Alejandro Rébola"
- [Pw_forum] Wrong frequencies on STO phonons
"Alejandro Rébola"
- [Pw_forum] Wrong frequencies on STO phonons
"Alejandro Rébola"
- [Pw_forum] regarding phonon dispersion
Kondaiah Samudrala
- [Pw_forum] Regarding QHA calculations
Kondaiah Samudrala
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 61, Issue 49
Kondaiah Samudrala
- [Pw_forum] Regarding QHA
Kondaiah Samudrala
- [Pw_forum] Regarding QHA calculations
Kondaiah Samudrala
- [Pw_forum] Running QHA calculations for orthorhombic structure
Kondaiah Samudrala
- [Pw_forum] RE : error with spin polarized calculation with SOC
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Old problem with cppp.x
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] Old problem with cppp.x
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
Anjali Singh
- [Pw_forum] phonon calculation at gamma point
Anjali Singh
- [Pw_forum] pwcond transmission tran_file
Alex Smogunov
- [Pw_forum] "espresso-4.3.2-GPU.tar.gz" and "espresso-5.0-GPU.tar.gz" available on QE-FORGE
Filippo Spiga
- [Pw_forum] question about compiling espresso-4.3.2-GPU
Filippo Spiga
- [Pw_forum] question about compiling espresso-4.3.2-GPU
Filippo Spiga
- [Pw_forum] Question on Fractional occupation used to generate Mg.pw91-np-van.UPF
Derek Stewart
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
Avms T
- [Pw_forum] Bug in PW/pw_readfile
- [Pw_forum] q not allowed when using q2r.x to calculate a2F
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] GRID example of e-ph
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] GRID example of e-ph
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] q not allowed in example07
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] q not allowed in example07
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] q not allowed in example07
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] q not allowed in example07
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] q not allowed when running q2r.x
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] q not allowed in example07
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] q not allowed when running q2r.x
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] q not allowed when running q2r.x
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] My solution to "q not allowed" in a2F run while using q2r.x
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] My solution to "q not allowed" in a2F run while using q2r.x
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] Charge density as a percentage
Gulcin Tetiker
- [Pw_forum] vc-md_NOT-STOP
Ranber Thakur
- [Pw_forum] vc-md_NOT-STOP
Ranber Thakur
- [Pw_forum] I can't find the error :-(
Davide Tiana
- [Pw_forum] I can't find the error
Davide Tiana
- [Pw_forum] I can't find the error (SOLVED!)
Davide Tiana
- [Pw_forum] k points weights
Davide Tiana
- [Pw_forum] band vs plotband output.
Davide Tiana
- [Pw_forum] pwcond transmission tran_file
Jonathan Trinastic
- [Pw_forum] Memory (RAM)
Vo, Trinh (388C)
- [Pw_forum] I can't find the error
Eric J. Walter
- [Pw_forum] I can't find the error :-(
Janet Wong
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
Franklin Zhan
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
Franklin Zhan
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
Franklin Zhan
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
Franklin Zhan
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
Franklin Zhan
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
Franklin Zhan
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
Franklin Zhan
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
Franklin Zhan
- [Pw_forum] k points weights
Franklin Zhan
- [Pw_forum] Postdoc Position at UCLA Chemistry
Jin Zhang
- [Pw_forum] Error #19 MoS2 ecutoff convergence test
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of Gibbs free energies
- [Pw_forum] where I can find BLYP USPP for Ru?
- [Pw_forum] q not allowed in example07
- [Pw_forum] Bad data for namelist object mixing_mode
- [Pw_forum] help
- [Pw_forum] scf calculation crashed for "diagonalization (ZHEGV*) failed".
- [Pw_forum] scf calculation crashed for "diagonalization (ZHEGV*) failed".
- [Pw_forum] Input error?
- [Pw_forum] supercell contraction and cell_factor parameter
Zhihui Zhu
- [Pw_forum] supercell contraction and cell_factor parameter
Zhihui Zhu
- [Pw_forum] Ploting graphene energy band
Yusuf Zuntu
- [Pw_forum] strange DOS for an antiferromagnetic system
mojdeh akhavan
- [Pw_forum] K-points
ramzi alaya
- [Pw_forum] where I can find BLYP USPP for Ru?
yavar pour azar
- [Pw_forum] "Reciprocity of Supercells & BZ Sampling", If I choose gamma point for supercell, will I lose some information?
yavar pour azar
- [Pw_forum] where I can find BLYP USPP for Ru?
yavar pour azar
- [Pw_forum] Fwd: "Reciprocity of Supercells & BZ Sampling", If I choose gamma point for supercell, will I lose some information?
yavar pour azar
- [Pw_forum] Reciprocity of Supercells & BZ Sampling
yavar pour azar
- [Pw_forum] i can not see my email
yavar pour azar
- [Pw_forum] i can not see my email
yavar pour azar
- [Pw_forum] relax or vc-relax for supercell?
yavar pour azar
- [Pw_forum] Reciprocity of Supercells & BZ Sampling
yavar pour azar
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
bf azi
- [Pw_forum] pseudopotential
bf azi
- [Pw_forum] pseudopotential
bf azi
- [Pw_forum] pseudopotential
bf azi
- [Pw_forum] two conflicting
bf azi
- [Pw_forum] LDA contribution
bf azi
- [Pw_forum] How to calculate NMR for negative charged system?
renpj at dicp.ac.cn
- [Pw_forum] Reminder: csatya11 at gmail.com wants to follow you
csatya11 at gmail.com
- [Pw_forum] relaxed structure output
mayank gupta
- [Pw_forum] Force constant from short range and long range interaction
mayank gupta
Amir hosseini
- [Pw_forum] Kohn-Sham orbitals cube file, pp.x, output: 6
nazari at iasbs.ac.ir
- [Pw_forum] Kohn-Sham orbitals cube file, pp.x, output: 6
nazari at iasbs.ac.ir
- [Pw_forum] how to calculate and plot HOMO or LUMO isosurface
nazari at iasbs.ac.ir
- [Pw_forum] scf calculation crashed for "diagonalization (ZHEGV*) failed".
bamidele ibrahim
- [Pw_forum] Clarification on how to compute elastic constants
bamidele ibrahim
- [Pw_forum] scf calculation crashed for "diagonalization (ZHEGV*) failed".
bamidele ibrahim
- [Pw_forum] error in DGETRF during generation of pseudopotential
bamidele ibrahim
- [Pw_forum] Etot in cp.x vs pw.x
sylvian kahane
- [Pw_forum] RE Problem with epsilon.x
sylvian kahane
- [Pw_forum] plotrho and atom core !
- [Pw_forum] Force constant fron ionic long range part
- [Pw_forum] core level shifting calculation
manoj narayanan
- [Pw_forum] core level shifting calculation
manoj narayanan
- [Pw_forum] Problem on compiling espresso-4.3.2
Mahdi Faghih nasiri
- [Pw_forum] Problem on runing espresso-4.3.2
Mahdi Faghih nasiri
- [Pw_forum] TDDFT with turbo_lanczos.x
henry odhiambo
- [Pw_forum] TDDFT with turbo_lanczos.x
henry odhiambo
- [Pw_forum] Gamm-point tricks
henry odhiambo
- [Pw_forum] Gamma-point tricks
henry odhiambo
- [Pw_forum] Plotting Band Structure by using Xmgrace
bramha pandey
- [Pw_forum] Gamm-point tricks
bramha pandey
- [Pw_forum] pw91 pseudopotential for Se
bramha pandey
- [Pw_forum] Types of pseudopotentials
bramha pandey
- [Pw_forum] Error in QHA calculations
bramha pandey
- [Pw_forum] Running QHA calculations for orthorhombic structure
bramha pandey
- [Pw_forum] reg: pseudopotential
mohnish pandey
- [Pw_forum] Problem in using GGA+U for the PbSe Calculation
zafar rasheed
- [Pw_forum] Re : Regarding QHA
zafar rasheed
- [Pw_forum] Error while compiling Quantum Espresso
zafar rasheed
- [Pw_forum] Types of pseudopotentials
zafar rasheed
- [Pw_forum] Error while compiling Quantum Espresso
zafar rasheed
- [Pw_forum] Error while compiling Quantum Espresso
zafar rasheed
- [Pw_forum] Error in QHA calculations
zafar rasheed
- [Pw_forum] Fw: Re: Problem in using GGA+U for the PbSe Calculation
meghdad saeedian
- [Pw_forum] Fw: Re: Problem in using GGA+U for the PbSe Calculation
meghdad saeedian
- [Pw_forum] Etot in cp.x vs pw.x
- [Pw_forum] Plotting Band Structure by using Xmgrace
shu xu
- [Pw_forum] make[2]: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.
- [Pw_forum] Problem in Bands of Graphene Nanoribbon
- [Pw_forum] A question about efield
- [Pw_forum] Calculate the electron-phonon interaction matrix element for specific k point
- [Pw_forum] Calculate the electron-phonon interaction matrix element for specific k point
- [Pw_forum] Calculate the electron-phonon interaction matrix element for specific k point
- [Pw_forum] atomic projection in the band structure
- [Pw_forum] confused by electron-phonon coupling recover
Last message date:
Tue Jul 31 21:37:19 CEST 2012
Archived on: Fri Sep 28 18:03:35 CEST 2012
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