[Pw_forum] problem getting electronuc dipole moment
Mousumi Upadhyay Kahaly
mousumi at jncasr.ac.in
Thu Jul 21 20:48:25 CEST 2005
Dear All,
I am trying to compute electronic and ionic dipole moments of an
isolated H2 molecule in a big box. For this, after relaxation, I
am running one scf step followed by a pp.x run and then chdens.x
run(with the option idpol = 1).
The problem is that, irrespective of the positions of the H2
molecule in the big box, always it comes that charge density
inside the Wigner-Seitz cell = 0.00000000 & hence, electronic
dipole moment is sero. Have I done something wrong may be, while
setting up the input files??? Because this is the case for any
molecule in any position within a box of any size. Can anyone
please help me to get rid of this problem?
All the inputs files i am using(one case: when the molecule
centre is in the centre of the box) are written below.
Best regards, mousumi.
1. Input file for scf run: pw.x input file
calculation = 'scf' ,
restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
outdir =
'/export/mousumi/PWSCF_2.0.1/H2/PostProcess/dipole_mom/tmp2//' ,
pseudo_dir = '/export/mousumi/PWscf_GUI/pseudo/' ,
prefix = 'H2' ,
ibrav = 1,
celldm(1) = 30.00000,
nat = 2,
ntyp = 1,
ecutwfc = 30.00000 ,
ecutrho = 180.00000 ,
nosym = .false. ,
nbnd = 5,
nspin = 1 ,
lda_plus_u = .false. ,
conv_thr = 1.0d-8 ,
upscale = 10.0 ,
H 1.00000 H.pbe-van_bm.UPF
H 7.70055287150 7.70055287150 7.70055287150
H 8.15472682850 8.15472682850 8.15472682850
K_POINTS {automatic}
1 1 1 0 0 0
mixing_beta = 0.6 ,
2. With the files created in temp2/ directory from the above run,
input file for pp.x
prefix = 'H2'
outdir =
filplot = 'H2_chdens2'
plot_num = 0
3. With the 'H2_chdens2' file created in the above run, file for
running chdens.x
nfile = 1
iflag = 3
plot_out = 1
idpol = 1
output_format = 5
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