[Pw_forum] How to relax the HCP type structures?

Yi Kong yi.kong at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 09:12:26 CEST 2005

Dear All,
    I want to find the ground state of D019 (HCP type) structure of
Pd-Ru alloys in the PWSCF, I follow the input of the EXAMPLE 3, and
the structure parameters I input are:
  ibrav= 4, celldm(1)= $acons,celldm(3)=$ccons,  nat=8, ntyp=2,
 Ru  0.50          0.0            0.00  
 Ru  0.50          0.50          0.00
 Ru  0.00          0.50          0.00 
 Ru  0.333333   0.1666667 0.50 
 Ru  0.833333   0.1666667 0.50 
 Ru  0.833333   0.6666667 0.50 
 Pd  0.00          0.00          0.00 
 Pd  0.333333   0.6666667 0.50 
    The $acons and $ccons are varied so as to find the lattice
constants a and c through comparing the obtained energies.

I just want to know that are these input correct, and are there more
efficient method to find the ground state of the HCP type structures.

Thanks a lot!

Yi Kong
Department of MSE
Tsinghua University
PR China, 100084

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