[Pw_forum] problem with PWgui
Tone Kokalj
Tone.Kokalj at ijs.si
Thu Dec 16 09:14:34 CET 2004
On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 12:26:43PM -0300, Eduardo Ariel Menendez P wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an error when I try to launch pw.x from the PWgui. It is as follows
> wrong # args: should be "regsub ?switches? exp string subSpec varName"
> wrong # args: should be "regsub ?switches? exp string subSpec varName"
> while executing
> "regsub {\.(inp|in)$} $inpFile {}"
If you are using the source version of the GUI, then cd $PWGUI/src,
and try to replace in file run.itcl the following line (should be line
set head [regsub {\.(inp|in)$} $inpFile {}]
with line:
regsub {\.(inp|in)$} $inpFile {} head
Tell me if it works.
Regards, Tone
| Anton Kokalj Email: Tone.Kokalj at ijs.si |
| Department of Physical and Organic Chemistry Phone: x 386 1 477 3523 |
| Jozef Stefan Institute Fax: x 386 1 477 3811 |
| Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana |
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