[Pw_forum] using pp.x - (particularly for band structures)

B.T. Hope bth20 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Dec 15 17:24:43 CET 2004

Hi there,

I am having difficulty getting pp.x to do anything! 

Here is my input file:

prefix = 'test_pp'
outdir = '/scratch/bth/Simulations/Test/TEST/'
filplot = 'test_pp.plot'
plot_num = 0

and pp.x outputs:

     Program POST-PROC v.2.1.1  starts ...
     Today is 15Dec2004 at 16:18:51 

Before hanging forever.

Any ideas what's going wrong?



Ben Hope
C.U.H.&H. Club Captain				      
St. John's College 	               
CB2 1TP    	                       

Tel:	- Home:   (01223) 578417      
     	- Office: (01223) 760312      
     	- Mobile:  07742 517432 


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