.\"the openMosix miggroup feature .\"http://openmosix.sourceforge.net/ .\"by Matt Rechenburg .\" .TH migrategroup 1 "28.02.2003" "the openMosix miggroup feature" .SH DESCRIPTION The migdrop feature is an additional "miggroup"-/proc entry for each process .br (it was added to the openMosix kernel in version 2.4.20-openMosix-3). .br If a new process is created the "miggroup" proc-file contains "0". The value in this file can be easily set by user-applications like "echo" or any other programs which are using the regular open(), read() and write() functions. .br The main ideas behind this new /proc-entry is that you can now group your processes by setting the same value to their "miggroup" file ( /proc/[PID]/miggroup ). Then those created process-groups can be easily managed by administration-tools and/or scripts. .br .SH SYNOPSIS .P .B joingroup .RI [PID] (, [PDI], [PID], ...) [process-group] .br make processes join a miggroup .br .P .B migrategroup .RI [process-group] [node-ID] .br migrate a miggroup to another node .br .P .B resetgroup .RI [ options ] .br reset a specific miggroup .P .B showgroup .RI [process-group] .br show all processes from a specific miggroup .br .SH EXAMPLES .P .B - make processes join a miggroup: .br [root@node1 miggroup]# joingroup 1300 1332 1364 1396 1428 1460 1 .br miggroup = 1 .br processes = 1300 1332 1364 1396 1428 1460 .br process 1300 joins the miggroup 1 now .br process 1332 joins the miggroup 1 now .br process 1364 joins the miggroup 1 now .br process 1396 joins the miggroup 1 now .br process 1428 joins the miggroup 1 now .br process 1460 joins the miggroup 1 now .br .P .B - show all processes from a specific miggroup: .br [root@node1 miggroup]# showgroup 1 .br 1300 with commandline bash belongs to 1 .br 1332 with commandline bash belongs to 1 .br 1364 with commandline bash belongs to 1 .br 1396 with commandline bash belongs to 1 .br 1428 with commandline bash belongs to 1 .br 1460 with commandline bash belongs to 1 .br .P .B - migrate a miggroup to another node: .br [root@node1 miggroup]# migrategroup 1 2 .br migrate 1300 to 2 .br migrate 1332 to 2 .br migrate 1364 to 2 .br migrate 1396 to 2 .br migrate 1428 to 2 .br migrate 1460 to 2 .br .P .B - reset a specific miggroup: .br [root@node1 miggroup]# resetgroup 1 .br resetet 1300 .br resetet 1332 .br resetet 1364 .br resetet 1396 .br resetet 1428 .br resetet 1460 .br [root@node1 miggroup]# .br .SH AUTHOR man page created by Matt Rechenburg .SH REPORTING BUGS .B http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?group_id=46729&atid=447171 .br openMosix Bug-tracker .br .SH LICENCE openMosix is the GPLv2, Open Source, project to extend the outstanding MOSIX project. New releases of MOSIX became proprietary software in late 2001 and openMosix was begun February 10, 2002 by Moshe Bar to keep this highly regarded Linux Clustering solution available as open source. .br Legal openMosix is Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 by Moshe Bar. .br Mosix is Copyright (c) 2002 by Amnon Barak. The Mosix is a trademark of Amnon Barak. Linux is a Registered Trademark of Linus Torvalds. openMosix is licensed under version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. .br .SH SEE ALSO openmosix(1), cpujob(1), fastdecay(1), iojob(1), joingroup(1), migrate(1), migrategroup(1), mon(1), mosctl(1), mosrun(1), mps(1), mtop(1), nodecay(1), nomig(1), omdiscd(1), resetgroup(1), runhome(1), runon(1), setpe(1), showgroup(1), slowdecay(1) .br