.\" Copyright (c) 2000, Amnon BARAK (amnon@cs.huji.ac.il) .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" openMosix $Id: mosmon.1,v 1.1 2004/04/19 09:32:23 sithender Exp $ .\" .\" Last Modified (almost rewritten) 2004/04/07 by: .\" - Moreno 'baro' Baricevic .\" - Tony Travis .\" .\" Permission to use, copy and distribute this software is hereby granted .\" under the terms of version 2 or any later version of the GNU General .\" Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. .\" .\" THIS MANUAL IS PROVIDED IN ITS "AS IS" CONDITION, WITH NO WARRANTY .\" WHATSOEVER. NO LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING .\" FROM THE USE OF THIS MANUAL WILL BE ACCEPTED. .\" .\" =========================================================================== .TH MOSMON 1 "April 07, 2004" "openMosix" "openMosix tools User's Manual" .\" =========================================================================== . . .\" =========================================================================== .SH NAME .\" =========================================================================== . .B mosmon - openMosix load monitor . . .\" =========================================================================== .SH SYNOPSIS .\" =========================================================================== . .B mosmon [ \fIoptions\fR ] ... .B mosmon [ \fB-w\fR | \fB-v\fR | \fB-V\fR | \fB-a\fR ] .B mosmon [ \fB-s\fR | \fB-m\fR | \fB-r\fR | \fB-u\fR | [ \fB-l\fR | \fB-L\fR ] ] .B mosmon [ \fB-d\fR ] [ \fB-t\fR ] [ \fB+\fR\fINODE_NUMBER\fR ] .B mosmon [ \fB-F\fR \fIKVER\fR ] .B mosmon [ \fB-h\fR | \fB-H\fR ] . . .\" =========================================================================== .SH DESCRIPTION .\" =========================================================================== . Displays the load, speed and memory of openMosix nodes as a bar chart. . . .\" =========================================================================== .SH OPTIONS .\" =========================================================================== . The following \fBoptions\fR and (\fIinteractive keys\fR) are available: .PD 0 .\" - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .TP 9 .BR -w \ (\fIw\fR) Wide (horizontal) numbering. Although this allows the load of fewer nodes to be displayed simultaneously, it looks better visually. .TP .BR -v \ (\fIv\fR) Vertical numbering. This allows more nodes to be displayed simultaneously. .TP .BR -V \ (\fIV\fR) Vertical (tight) numbering. This allows the maximum number of nodes to be displayed simultaneously. .TP .BR -a \ (\fIa\fR) Automatic numbering (default). Vertical numbering is selected if it allows all nodes to be displayed simultaneously. Otherwise, horizontal numbering is selected. .\" - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .TP .BR -s \ (\fIs\fR) Speed of processor (10000 = 400 MHz Pentium-2). For SMP nodes, this option also displays the number of CPU's. .TP .BR -m \ (\fIm\fR) Memory (MB). Used memory is displayed as a solid bar, free memory is displayed as '+' signs extended to total memory size. .TP .BR -r \ (\fIr\fR) Raw memory (MB). Raw-used memory is displayed as a solid bar, free memory is displayed as '+' signs extended to total memory size. .TP .BR -u \ (\fIu\fR) Utilizability (%). This represents the proportion of time a node spends running processes, or waiting for swapped-pages to be loaded. Under normal conditions, utilizability should be 100%, dropping only when memory is under pressure. .TP .BR -l \ (\fIl\fR) Load (default). A load unit represents 100% utilisation of a 'standard' processor. If the speed of a CPU is the same as the yardstick, one load unit is equivalent to a load average of 1.0 as displayed by "top", "mtop" and "uptime". However, nodes with faster CPU's and/or SMP nodes with multiple CPU's will show a lower load and nodes with slower CPU's will show a higher load. .TP .BR -L \ (\fIL\fR) Log load. Displaying the load on a log scale makes it easier to assess load balancing when cluster performance is uneven. The log scale is fixed at 0.0-4.0 where 2.0 = log10(100%). .\" - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .TP .BR -d \ (\fId\fR) Dead nodes. Display all configured nodes including nodes that are not responding. .TP .BR -t \ (\fIt\fR) Total number of operational nodes. (not recommended on very large clusters, will be very slow) .\" - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .TP .BI + NODE_NUMBER begin the display at a particular node-number .\" - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .TP .BI -F \ KVER force kernel version instead of guessing \fI/proc/hpc/info/infos\fR record size. \fIKVER\fR range is 2416-2425, useful values are [2416|2419|2420|2421|2422|2423] (devel/debug) .\" - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .TP .BR -h | -H display short help message .\" - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .PP . . .\" =========================================================================== .SH ADDITIONAL INTERACTIVE KEYS .\" =========================================================================== . The following keys may also be used while in \fBmosmon\fR: .PD 0 .\" - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .TP 9 .IR h | H | ? bring up a help screen. .TP .I Enter redraw the screen. .\" - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .TP .I y Yardstick (default = 15000). This is the speed of a 'standard' processor. .\" - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .TP .I Insert force update of \fI/proc/hpc/info/infos\fR handling stuff (useful when openMosix has been restarted while \fBmosmon\fR is running). .\" - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .TP .IR q | Q Quit \fBmosmon\fR. .\" - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .TP The following keys are useful when all nodes do not fit on the screen: .TP .IR Right-Arrow | + Right shift display. Move one node to the right .TP .IR Left-Arrow | - Left shift display. Move one node to the left .TP .I n Next screen. Move one screen to the right .TP .I p Previous screen. Move one screen to the left .\" - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - .PP . . .\" =========================================================================== .SH NOTES .\" =========================================================================== . .PD 0 .TP 2 load A CPU cannot be more than 100% utilised, but a load can be more than 100% of CPU utilisation when processes are candidates to run but cannot run because they are blocked waiting for CPU or other limited resources to become available. .TP - Minimum screen size 9x8, minimum suggested size 43x9 ;) .PP . .\" =========================================================================== .SH EXAMPLES .\" =========================================================================== . .P Display total configured nodes and begin displaying at node 12: \fBmosmon\fR \fB\-t\fR \fB+\fR12 .P Display cluster load on a log scale and display dead nodes: \fBmosmon\fR \fB\-L\fR \fB-d\fR .P Force a specific kernel version (\fIinfos\fR record size): \fBmosmon\fR \fB\-F\fR 2420 .P Help message for command line options: \fBmosmon\fR \fB\-h\fR . .\" =========================================================================== .SH FILES .\" =========================================================================== . .PD 0 .TP 24 .I /proc location of the proc file system .TP .I /proc/hpc location of the openMosix proc interface .TP .I /proc/hpc/info/infos cluster info (load,status,...) .TP .I /proc/hpc/admin/sspeed standard speed (used to compute yardstick) .PP . .\" =========================================================================== .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES .\" =========================================================================== . \fBmosmon\fR is affected by \fBLINES\fR and \fBCOLUMNS\fR environment variables. .br A specific screen size can be forced in this way: .br \fBCOLUMNS\fR=80 \fBLINES\fR=24 \fBmosmon\fR . .\" =========================================================================== .SH DIAGNOSTICS .\" =========================================================================== . On success, exit status is zero. On error, 1 is returned. Usage function returns a short line describing the error that occurred. When the 't' option is used, the message "openMosix not configured" means that openMosix is not enabled on the node running \fBmosmon\fR. In previous versions of \fBmosmon\fR this could also mean that \fBmosmon\fR had been compiled against the wrong kernel headers (i.e. the size of the \fImosix_info\fR structure used by \fBmosmon\fR and the openMosix kernel don't match). In \fBmosmon\fR v2.0 the size of the \fImosix_info\fR structure used by the running openMosix kernel is detected automatically. . .\" =========================================================================== .SH BUGS .\" =========================================================================== . Please send bug reports to and . . .\" =========================================================================== .SH HISTORY .\" =========================================================================== . \fBmosmon\fR is an openMosix utility. . .\" =========================================================================== .SH AUTHOR(S) & (UN)RESTRICTIONS .\" =========================================================================== . Amnon Shiloh for Mosix, original code is (c) of prof. Amnon Barak. Adapted to openMosix from Mosix and bugfixing by David Santo Orcero Last (heavily) modified on 2004/04/07 by Moreno 'baro' Baricevic . Thanks also to Tony Travis for his log-load patch. Permission to use, copy and distribute this software is hereby granted under the terms of version 2 or any later version of the GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. . .\" =========================================================================== .SH SEE ALSO .\" =========================================================================== . .BR openmosix (1), .BR setpe (1), .BR mtop (1). . .\" EOF