.\" Copyright (c) 2003, The openMosix Team (openMosix-devel@lists.sf.net) .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" openMosix $Id: moslimit.1,v 1.3 2003/06/22 09:41:41 mcaserta Exp $ .\" .\" Permission to use, copy and distribute this software is hereby granted .\" under the terms of version 2 or any later version of the GNU General .\" Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. .\" .\" THIS MANUAL IS PROVIDED IN ITS "AS IS" CONDITION, WITH NO WARRANTY .\" WHATSOEVER. NO LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING .\" FROM THE USE OF THIS MANUAL WILL BE ACCEPTED. .\" .Dd Jun 18, 2003 .Dt MOSLIMIT 1 .ds vT openMosix Reference Manual .Os openMosix .Sh NAME .Nm \&moslimit .Nd openMosix system administrator's tools .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm \&moslimit { .Pa getloadlocal | .Pa getloadremote | .Pa getcpulocal | .Pa getcpuremote | .Pa getllimitmode | .Pa getcpulimitmode | .Pa getloadlimit | .Pa getcpulimit } [ .Pa openMosix-ID ] .Nm \&moslimit { .Pa setloadlimit | .Pa setcpulimit | .Pa setllimitmode | .Pa setcpulimitmode } .Pa numeric-value .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm \&Moslimit lets you set all parameters of the openMosix load limiter. .Pp .Pa getloadlocal Gets the total load usage of all local processes on node openMosix-ID .Pp .Pa getloademote Gets the total load usage of all remote processes on node openMosix-ID .Pp .Pa getcpulocal Gets the total CPU usage of all local processes on node openMosix-ID .Pp .Pa getcpuremote Gets the total CPU usage of all remote processes on node openMosix-ID .Pp .Pa setllimitmode Sets the load limit mode to use. Takes a numeric-value argument: .Pp 0 = total load can't be greater than 'loadlimit', this means that if total load gets greater than 'loadlimit' remote processes can migrate to current node and remote processes already running will be expelled until the load goes below 'loadlimit' .Pp 1 = remote load, i.e. total load of all remote processes, can't get greater than 'loadlimit' .Pp 2 = local load, i.e. total load of all local processes, can't get greater than 'loadlimit' .Pp .Pa setcpulimitmode Sets the cpu limit mode openMosix has to use. Takes a numeric-value argument: .Pp 0 = total CPU usage (for a system with 1 CPU, 100=CPU fully used); has to remain smaller than 'cpulimit' .Pp 1 = total CPU of all remote processes can't get greater than 'cpulimit' .Pp 2 = total CPU all local processes can't get greater than 'cpulimit'; .Pp .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr openmosix 1 , .Xr setpe 1 , .Xr tune 1 , .Xr mon 1 , .Xr mosrun 1 , .Xr mosctl 1 , .Xr migrate 1 . .Sh HISTORY .Pa moslimit is an openMosix utility. http://openMosix.sourceforge.net/