[xcrysden] Extraction of radial function from .xsf file

shadab shadab at phas.ubc.ca
Thu Jul 30 09:18:01 CEST 2020

Hi all,

I have produced .xsf file (containing basis states) from a Wannier90 run 
for Bi2Se3 which can be opened in xcrysden and the isosurface of the 
basis. My basis contains Bi and Se px, py and pz orbitals for all the Bi 
and Se atoms in the crystal unit cell. I wanted to extract the radial 
functions corresponding to each orbital from these .xsf files. I read 
the .xsf file documentation, but I am still not use sure how to go about 
doing this. Please let me know.


Shadab Ahamed
PHAS Graduate Student
Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute
University of British Columbia | Vancouver
280-2355 East Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4 Canada

e: shadab at phas.ubc.ca
v: +1-778-325-9814

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