[xcrysden] PhD position - Nancy, France

Emilie Gaudry emilie.gaudry at univ-lorraine.fr
Wed Jul 15 09:09:42 CEST 2020

Dear Colleagues, 

We invite applications for a three-year junior scientist position, to be filled at a doctoral level at the Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France. 

The position is funded in a joint project by PIs Profs. Gaudry (Institut Jean Lamour, lab for fundamental and applied research in 
materials science) and Sur (LORIA, lab for basic and applied research in computer sciences). The project aims to reveal new 
efficient intermetallic catalysts, based on machine learning methods coupled with Density Functional Theory (DFT). Heterogeneous 
catalysis on complex intermetallic compounds is a quickly growing field. M odeling the many diverse active sites and reaction paths 
on these complex surfaces is a challenging task. 
This project has an internatonal dimension and takes place within the Integrated European Center for the Development of New Alloys and 
Metallic Compounds (htps://ecmetac.eu/), the research network Open space between aperiodic order and physics & chemistry 
of materials (http://irn-aperiodic.grenoble.cnrs.fr/) and the Internatonal Lab between IJL and the Joseph Stefan Institute (JSI, 
Ljubljana, Slovenia). 

We are seeking candidates with a strong background in physics, chemistry, materials science, or machine learning. Please include 
any relevant documents (CV, letter, transcripts, and names and contact information of two referees) in your application. 

Best regards, 
Émilie Gaudry 

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