[xcrysden] xcrysden 1.6.2 can't startup

John Yang yangjio4849 at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 9 04:39:27 CET 2020

Hi all,

This is John. I downloaded the source code of xcrysden 1.6.2. I planned to play it on my CentOS 8 installed in VMware. Since it is the newest version, I naively assumed xcrysden 1.6.2 can work well on my 3000x2000 resolution screen. Looking at older version of xcrysden is too painful.
I started with the Make.sys-semishared, and did small adjustments. During the process, I have many packages installed by yum. Finally make went through without error.
But when I tried to run ./xcrysden, it gave me this:

Error in startup script: bad pad value "0m": must be positive screen distance
    while executing
"pack .title.f.l .title.f.l2 -side top -fill both -padx 0m -pady 0m"
    invoked from within
"if { "[lindex $argv 2]" != "--quiet" } {

    # MACOSX has problems with wm iconify/wm deiconify requests, so
    # don't use them

if { $tcl_plat..."

So dead end for me. I also tried xcrysden-1.6.2-bin-shared, same error message.

Please help me out of this. Thank you so much. I can provide any information necessary.


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