[xcrysden] Cannot compile xcrysden because of XVisualInfo error

Matic Poberznik matic.poberznik at gmail.com
Mon May 15 11:29:03 CEST 2017

Dear Dave,

> /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/5.4.0/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld:
> cannot find -ltk8.5
> /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/5.4.0/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld:
> cannot find -ltcl8.5
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

It still seems like it doesn't find the libraries it needs. Can you
provide the output of the command, from the cygdrive topdir:

find . -iname "lib*tcl"  2>/dev/null

and if you are using apt-cyg:

apt-cyg list

to see which packages you have installed. Or just make sure you have all
the packages installed that Gavin Abo mentioned. As for his procedure it
should work, though I think the patching should no longer be required
(as far as I remember from my compilation, I could be wrong). There is
also a precompiled version for Windows, but I'm guessing that it doesn't
work for you or is there a reason that you have to compile from source?

Here is the version of Make.sys is used if it helps in any way (on my
system the libraries are located in /usr/ directory) :

# System-dependent definitions CYGWIN.

MAKE   = make
CYGWIN = -f Makefile.cygwin

# compilers & flags
CC          = gcc -g
SHARED      = -shared
CFLAGS      = -O2

CPPFLAGS    = -DCYGWIN -DUSE_FONTS -DNEAR_BUG -D__int64="long long int"
LDLIB       =
MATH        =

FC          = gfortran -O2
# -mcygwin
FFLAGS      =

# Libraries and include files
X_LIB       = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXmu

TCL_PREFIX   = /usr
TCL_VER      = 8.5
TCL_LIB      = -L$(TCL_PREFIX)/lib -ltcl$(TCL_VER)
TK_LIB       = -ltk$(TCL_VER)
GLU_LIB      = -lGLU
GL_LIB       = -lGL
FFTW3_LIB    = -lfftw3
# this is only used for some testing purposes

TCLTK_SRC   = /usr/include/tcl$(TCL_VER)
# on some machines this is needed: -I$(TCLTK_SRC)/tk/xlib
TK_INCDIR       =
GL_INCDIR       = -I/usr/include
# this is only used for some testing purposes

Hope this helps and best regards,

Matic Poberznik
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

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