[xcrysden] Generate FS pictures automatically (using the command line)

Niedermayr, Arthur a.niedermayr at protonmail.com
Fri Mar 17 19:38:44 CET 2017

Hello everybody,

I wanted to know, if I can create pictures (.png, .eps, .pdf) out of the command line.
As far as I know, I can open bxsf-files via the following command:
xcrysden --bxsf my_metal.bxsf

Then XCrySDen opens, I have to insert the correct Fermi Energy and select bands for Fermi Surface drawing.

Can I automate the last step?
I want to overgive something like
xcrysden --bxsf my_metal.bxsf (use default energy, open the band (I only have one) and print it)

I know that there are quite a few print commands, where I can modify anti-alias, -quality, -border et cetera, so that should not be a big issue.

The thing is, that I have 180 Fermi Surfaces and I want 180 e.g. png files, which shall have the same size.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards
Arthur Niedermayr
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