[xcrysden] instruction on installation xCrysden (Ubuntu 12.04)

dadaniu 1272370076 at qq.com
Mon Jul 15 22:28:14 CEST 2013

try to add " >log 2>err" to every  install  instruction .and read the err file to find the problem every step ,you can search the problem .

  this is an general way to install a sofware  with linux :
  1: read the  install file with the package
  2:recod the step by  append " >log 2>err" to every instruction
  3:cat the recod file to see whether this step is successful and solve every error message  or some warnings.
  4:try every  step until you finished.
hope this will help you .

------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "Ao Teng"<morganteng at gmail.com>;
Date:  Tue, Jul 16, 2013 03:28 AM
To:  "xcrysden"<xcrysden at democritos.it>; 

Subject:  [xcrysden] instruction on installation xCrysden (Ubuntu 12.04)


Could anybody give me a clear instruction on how to install xCrysden? I'm using Ubuntu 12.04. I searched quite a bit on INTERNET, but all the instructions I found led to failure. Thank you in advance!

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