[xcrysden] has anyone compiled xcrysden on AIX ?

Oliver Albertini ora at georgetown.edu
Fri Aug 2 20:52:48 CEST 2013

Dear Tone,

Thanks for your response and for creating an awesome program.

The AIX server in question is not a 'super' computer, it is a single node
with 16 processors which I use to run WIEN2k. I use it remotely.

I do have xcrysden installed locally and have been using it quite a bit to
create 2d density plots. I run lapw5 on the server and scp the *.rho,
*.struct and *.output5 files to my local computer. However, now I need to
make 3d plots, and from what I can tell, xcrysden runs 'x lapw5' for a
number of 'slices', then puts them together to make the 3d plot.

So what do I need to "calculate and render density" locally? Do I need to
have lapw5 locally?


Oliver Albertini
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