[xcrysden] cannot execute Xcrysden

Elie Albert Moujaes emoujaes at fisica.ufmg.br
Fri Oct 29 16:08:57 CEST 2010

Dear all,

I am using XCrySdEN for the first time. I have configures everything 
using ./xcConfigure and registered the XCRYSDEN_TOPDIR and XCRYSDEN_SCRATCH 
and everything went alright. I want now to satrt using XCrysden. When I try 
to execute (or just type the command xcrysden), I get:
bash: xcrsyden: command not found which probably means I have not formed the 
executable. Sorry my knowledge in Fortran is a bit tight. Can anyone tell me 
what have I missed..Thank you..

P.S: My version is the XCRSYDEN 1.4.1

Elie Moujaes

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