[xcrysden] (no subject)

Tone Kokalj xcrysden@democritos.it
Thu, 20 Oct 2005 09:05:22 +0200

On Thu, 2005-10-20 at 11:01 +0800, 粘駿楠 wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am a beginner of xcrysden, and I have the following one questions
>  I want to try the windows version of xcrysden, but after I
> installed cygwin and downloaded the compiled binary package, and
>  after ./xcConfigure and . ~/.bashrc, when I ran   xcrysden, the
>  graphic interface cannot appear and the following lines appeared in
> the end:
> /home/nian/XCrySDen-1.4.1bin-shared/xcrysden: line 156: exec: wish:
> not found

You do not have Tcl/Tk package installed on your Cygwin. It is required
by xcrysden. Here is a list of packagaes that are needed by xcrysden
(most likely I miss to name a few):

bash, bc, gawk, grep, gzip, less, more, opengl, tcltk, coreutils

Best regards, Tone