[Wannier] Spin polarized calculations with f-electrons

Jonathan Yates jonathan.yates at materials.ox.ac.uk
Fri Mar 30 00:49:57 CEST 2012

On 29 Mar 2012, at 10:09, Mario Burbano wrote:
> The results I have obtained so far for yttrium-doped CeO2 and scandium-doped CeO2 have been consistent with each other using either DFT program. By this I mean that the forces and the dipole moments obtained from the DFT codes show excellent agreement between them. However, it is when I carry out simulations with elements that have f-electrons (Ce3+, Gd3+, Sm3+) that I start having some serious problems. In the case of Gd-doped ceria, when I visualize the wannier90_centres.xyz file from the Wannier90 analysis of the data, I can see that the f-electrons that should have been assigned to Gd, have instead been localized near the nucleus of the Ce atoms, in addition to the expected 8 valence electrons. I have encountered similar problems with systems that include reduced cerium (Ce3+). In this case the single f-electrons from each Ce3+ are assigned to a single Ce atom (which according to the VASP output should not be reduced). These wannier centres are conspicuous among the others given that their spreads are typically higher (>4 Bohr^2) than those of all the other WCs in the system (2.5 – 3 Bohr^2). In addition, the up and down spin components from the wannier90 calculation are the same, which, I think, is unexpected. Finally, a comparison with the results from CPMD is not available here because CPMD does not have the DFT+U method implemented. 


 I'm going to make some generic comments first, rather than think about the chemistry of your system. Although I don't think there should be particular issues in dealing with f-electron systems.

You should investigate if the WF you have found correspond a true minimum in the spread functional. 

A good indication is to check how real the WF are.
You are starting from random phases. What happens if you use a starting guess?

You are using the gamma-point. Is the vasp interface set up to take advantage of the fact that the bloch states are real at gamma? (the PWSCF interface is) If so, you can use the gamma-point routines within W90. The special gamma point routines are quicker, and have been found to be more robust ie less reliant on the start guess.


Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PH, UK
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