<div>Dear Pwscf user</div>
<div> I am still do not very clear how to set the axes using crystal axes</div>
<div>in the &system card</div>
<div> ibrav and celldm(:) define the gives the cartesian coordinates </div>
<div> ibarv and A, B,C, cosab, cosac,cosbc gives the crystal coordinates</div>
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<div>is my understanding correct?</div>
<div>the following two cards are all coordinate dependent </div>
<div> K_POINTS<br>there are either in accordence with cartesian coordinates or crystal coordinates</div>
<div>how to make the three cards are in the same coordinates forms? or there are all independent and can work consistent with it self in either coordinates?</div>
<div>The mixture of unit(alat,borhr,angstrom) and coordinates(crystal ,cartesian ) often confuse me.</div>
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<div>is there anyone tell me how to set the ( &system,ATOMIC_POSITIONS, K_POINTS) for cartesian coordinates and crystal coordinates respectively </div>
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<div>and this is my input file for crystal coordinates structure, it can not give right symmetry, I do not know the reason.</div>
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<div>&control<br> calculation='scf'<br> restart_mode='from_scratch',<br> pseudo_dir = '/home1/ymqian/soft/pwscf/psudo',<br> outdir='./test'<br> prefix='NaFeOSe',<br>
/<br> &system<br> ibrav = 7, A=4.1105, B=4.1105, C=14.65253, cosAB=90, cosAC=90, cosBC=90<br> , nat= 7, ntyp= 4,<br> ecutwfc = 45.0, ecutrho = 400.0<br> occupations='smearing', smearing='mv', degauss=0.02, <br>
nspin=1,<br> /<br> &electrons<br> diagonalization='david'<br> conv_thr = 1.0e-7<br> mixing_beta = 0.7<br> /<br>ATOMIC_SPECIES<br>Na 22.98977 Na.pbe-sp-van_ak.UPF<br>Fe 55.845 Fe.pbe-sp-van.UPF<br>
Se 78.96 Se.pbe-van.UPF<br>O 15.9994 O.pbe-van_ak.UPF<br>ATOMIC_POSITIONS {crystal}<br>Na 0.500 0.500 0.1636801516544306 <br>Na 0.000 0.000 0.3363198483455694<br>Fe 0.500 0.000 0.000000000000000<br>
Fe 0.000 0.500 0.000000000000000<br>Se 0.000 0.000 0.1090917831789712<br>Se 0.500 0.500 0.3909082168210289<br>O 0.500 0.500 0.000000000000000<br>K_POINTS automatic<br> 12 12 4 0 0 0</div>
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<div>Best Regards </div>
<div>Sincerely Y. M. Qian (Ç®ÓñÃô)<br>Laboratory of Condensed Matter Theory and Materials Computation <br>Institute of Physics(IOP), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)<br>Tel: + 8610 8264 9827<br><a href="mailto:E-Mail%3Ayuminqian@gmail.com" target="_blank">E-Mail: yuminqian@gmail.com</a> <br>
P.O.Box 603 Beijing 100190<br>China </div><br>