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<div>Dear N. Pavlenko:
When you executed projwfc.x, did you use the same paralleling cpus? Because projwfc.x should be executed using the same cpus as pw.x.
Best Wishes!
Yours Sincerely
L. F. Huang
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 06:43:36 -0800 (PST)
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> From: Natalia Pavlenko
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Subject: [Pw_forum] Problems with generation of projected DOS by
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>         projwfc.x
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> To: <A href=mailto:pw_forum@pwscf.org>pw_forum@pwscf.org</A>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Message-ID:
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Dear Users,
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> I experience problems when trying to generate projected DOS using
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> the program projwfc.x
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> My input file is the following:
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> ------------------------------
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> &INPUTPP
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> prefix = 'pwscf'
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> outdir = '/home/npavlenko/work/lao_sto/lao4_sto1.5/scf/scf1/k6/'
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> ngauss = 1
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> degauss = 0.05
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Emin = -15.0, Emax = 14.65
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> DeltaE = 0.01
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> /
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> -----------------------------
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> I use a parallel version of MPI running on 8 CPUs.
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> In the output after the program is calling projwave I obtain the following error warnings:
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> ---------------------------------------
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Calling projwave ....
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> from davcio : error # 10
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> error while reading from file
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> stopping ...
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p6_23517: p4_error: : 0
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> rm_l_6_23519: (239.507812) net_send: could not write to fd=5, errno = 32
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p0_22475: p4_error: interrupt SIGx: 13
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p1_22477: p4_error: interrupt SIGx: 13
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p2_22478: p4_error: interrupt SIGx: 13
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p3_22479: p4_error: interrupt SIGx: 13
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p5_22481: p4_error: interrupt SIGx: 13
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p7_23518: p4_error: interrupt SIGx: 13
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p4_22480: p4_error: interrupt SIGx: 13
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p2_22478: (253.859375) net_send: could not write to fd=5, errno = 32
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p1_22477: (253.863281) net_send: could not write to fd=5, errno = 32
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p0_22475: (253.937500) net_send: could not write to fd=4, errno = 32
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p3_22479: (254.058594) net_send: could not write to fd=5, errno = 32
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p5_22481: (259.597656) net_send: could not write to fd=5, errno = 32
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p7_23518: (259.707031) net_send: could not write to fd=5, errno = 32
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> p4_22480: (260.359375) net_send: could not write to fd=5, errno = 32
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> ------------------------------
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> I would be grateful for any help and advice.
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> With best regards,
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Natalia Pavlenko
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> -----------------------------------------------
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Dr. Natalia Pavlenko
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Institute for Condensed Matter Physics,
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Lviv, Ukraine
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Tel.: +38-0322-707401
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Fax: +38-0322-761158
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
L.F.Huang(黄良锋) DFT and phonon physics
Add: Research Laboratory for Computational Materials Sciences,
Instutue of Solid State Physics,the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
P.O.Box 1129, Hefei 230031, P.R.China
Tel: 86-551-5591464-326(office)
Fax: 86-551-5591434
Our group: <A href=http://theory.issp.ac.cn target=_blank>http://theory.issp.ac.cn</A>