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<br><br>> anyone tried to compile PWSCF using the AMD Open64 Compiler Suite (the <br>> last versione -afaik- is v4.2.3), possibly with the AMD Core Math <br>> Library (ACML)?<br>> I know that ACML should work, but how about Open64?<br>> After reading that Intel Compilers deliberately does not take in account <br>> of all math speedup present in non-intel CPUs, I'm considering which <br>> optimized compiler I should use on my old non-Intel based linux...<br>> <br>> Thanks,<br>>         Carlo<br><br><br>Dear Carlo <br><br>I have compiled QE using GNU compilers (gfortran, gcc, and g++) on my AMD(3 Cores CPU) . the operating system is SUSE 11.2 (64 bit). Both ACML and MathKernel libraries have been installed on my system before. with these configurations QE works but I am not sure about the efficiency of the work. I had tried intel compilers (ifort, icc, and icpc) before ! but I think that you will have less error in compiling when use the gnu compilers here.<br><br>Best Wishes<br>Masoud Nahali<br>Sharif University of Technology<br><br><br>                                            <br /><hr />Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. <a href='https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=60969' target='_new'>Get it now.</a></body>