<DIV>Dear all</DIV>
<DIV> When I add external electric field to optimize the structure .It runs very very slower than not add the electric field , after 2 days ,the output file is still as following :</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> iteration # 1 ecut= 30.00 Ry beta=0.20<BR> Davidson diagonalization with overlap<BR> ethr = 1.00E-02, avg # of iterations = 4.4<BR> PAY ATTENTION: EL FIELD AND OCCUPATIONS</DIV>
<DIV> Expectation value of exp(iGx):<BR> (2.751012649613009E-016,-3.679346535033460E-017) 0.866025403784439<BR> Electronic Dipole per cell (a.u.) -0.482785724081663<BR> Ionic Dipole per cell (a.u.) 3794.73195575151<BR> PAY ATTENTION: EL FIELD AND OCCUPATIONS</DIV>
<DIV>My input file adhere here:</DIV>
<DIV>&CONTROL<BR> calculation = 'relax' ,<BR> restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,<BR> pseudo_dir = './' ,<BR> prefix = 'ZnO' ,<BR> nstep = 250 ,<BR> tprnfor = .true. ,<BR> lelfield = .true. ,<BR> nberrycyc = 1 ,<BR> gdir = 3 ,<BR> /<BR> &SYSTEM<BR> ibrav = 14,<BR> celldm(1) = 18.6286,<BR> celldm(2) = 0.6666667,<BR> celldm(3) = 1.0733333,<BR> celldm(4) = 0,<BR> celldm(5) = 0,<BR> celldm(6) = -0.5,<BR> nat = 48,<BR> ntyp = 3,<BR> ecutwfc = 30 ,<BR> ecutrho = 300 ,<BR> nosym = .true. ,<BR> occupations = 'smearing' ,<BR> degauss = 0.008 ,<BR> smearing = 'gaussian' ,<BR> nspin = 2 ,<BR> starting_magnetization(1) = 0.5,<BR> starting_magnetization(2) = 0.5,<BR> starting_magnetization(3) = 0.5,<BR> lda_plus_u = .false. ,<BR> /<BR> &ELECTRONS<BR> conv_thr = 1.D-7 ,<BR> mixing_mode = 'plain' ,<BR> mixing_beta = 0.2 ,<BR> startingwfc = 'random' ,<BR> efield = 0 ,<BR> /<BR> &IONS<BR> ion_dynamics = 'bfgs' ,<BR> phase_space = 'full' ,<BR> /<BR>ATOMIC_SPECIES<BR> O 15.00000 O.pbe-rrkjus.UPF<BR> Zn 65.00000 Zn.pbe-van.UPF<BR> Mn 54.94000 Mn.pbe-sp-van.UPF<BR>ATOMIC_POSITIONS angstrom<BR> Zn 0.000000000 1.875966909 0.000000000 1 1 1<BR> O 0.000000000 1.875966909 1.991601344 1 1 1</DIV>
<DIV>....................................................<BR>K_POINTS automatic<BR> 3 3 3 1 1 1<BR>I don't know why after I add the electric field ,the speed of relax is so slow ?</DIV>
<DIV>Any advice will be appreciated !</DIV>
<DIV>Best regards</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>XiangTan University </DIV></DIV><br><br><span title="neteasefooter"/><hr/>
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