<DIV>According to your advice ,I check the parallel installation using a small job, and it runs well in the same node ,but when I run the big job ,it still turn up the same question .</DIV>
<DIV>Thank you for your advice .</DIV>
<DIV>Best regards<BR><BR></DIV>
<DIV></DIV><BR><PRE>在2009-09-07 02:05:35,pw_forum-request@pwscf.org 写道:
>Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] pw.x running but nothing happens
>To: PWSCF Forum <pw_forum@pwscf.org>
>        <3a749910909060003k38e7f62fn4aa040900b71b42c@mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="gb2312"
>Dear Wangqj,
>The same thing happens to me.
>since you are using large no. of wfc, although it shows the job is running
>in 8 procs, but sometimes if the installation is not proper, it is running
>in 1 procs only.
>So better you check the parallel installation using a small job, with
>different no. of procs and see whether its taking lesser time as no. of
>procs increases or not?
>2009/9/6 wangqj1 <wangqj1@126.com>
>> Dear pwscf users
>> When I run vc-relax on the computing cluster use one node which has 8
>> CPUs.
>> The output file is as following:
>> Program PWSCF v.4.0.1 starts ...
>> Today is 6Sep2009 at 7:49:30
>> Parallel version (MPI)
>> Number of processors in use: 8
>> R & G space division: proc/pool = 8
>> For Norm-Conserving or Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials or PAW
>> .....................................................................
>> Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
>> starting charge 435.99565, renormalised to 436.00000
>> Starting wfc are 254 atomic + 8 random wfc
>> After one day ,it still like this and no iteration has completed ,there is
>> also no error was turn up .There is no error in the input file because I
>> have test it on anthoer computer which has 4 CPUs and it runs well .
>> I can't find the reason about this ,any help will be appreciated .
>> Best Regards
>> Q.J.Wang
>> XiangTan University
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