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<div>Dear TuanAnh Pham:
Thank you very much for your kindly hearted help!
Best Wishes!
Yours Sincerely
L. F. Huang
From Institude of Solid State Physics of Chinese Academy Society
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> From: TuanAnh Pham
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] any good paper on "non-collinear" using PWSCF?
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> To: PWSCF Forum
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Message-ID:
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>         
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="gb2312"
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Hi,
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> For non-collinear spin polarization in PWscf, you can have a look at paper
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> by
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Ralph et al, PRB 61, 6145 (2000) and references therein. An original paper
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> about
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> theory of non-collinear in DFT is by Barth et al, J. Phys. C: Solid state
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> phys, 5
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> 1972.
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Hope this helps,
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Anh.
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 5:18 AM, lfhuang wrote:
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>>
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> </FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Hi everyone:
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> >
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> </FONT><FONT color=#444444>> I am planning to use the "non-collinear" method to stydy the magnetic
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> </FONT><FONT color=#444444>> properties of carbon
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> </FONT><FONT color=#444444>> based systems, and I have searched in some famous magazines for some
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> </FONT><FONT color=#444444>> references, but just
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> </FONT><FONT color=#444444>> find several papers related. Could anyone inform me of some good papers on
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> </FONT><FONT color=#444444>> "non-collinear"
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> </FONT><FONT color=#444444>> (not only on carbon based systems), especially using PWSCF ? I would like
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> </FONT><FONT color=#444444>> to appreciate any
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> </FONT><FONT color=#444444>> kindly hearted help and invaluable information!
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> </FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Best Wishes!
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> >
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> </FONT><FONT color=#444444>> Yours Sincerely
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> >
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> </FONT><FONT color=#444444>> L. F. Huang
</FONT><FONT color=#444444>> >