<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"><br><div id="yiv1384440575"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td style="font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; font-size-adjust: inherit; font-stretch: inherit;" valign="top"><div id="yiv127137466"><div id="yiv1235426528">Dear all,<br> I am running 'VC-relax calculation of simple si-c infinite wire using espresso-4.0 on Xeon quad core dual CPU (X86_64) workstation with intel mkl -10, lam-mpi -7.1.4. <br>I am getting: <br> (1) ' from pzpotrf : error # 1<br> problems computing cholesky decomposition'<br> while using cell-dynamics = 'bfgs'.<br><br>(2) from rdiaghg : error
# 27<br> info =/= 0<br>when ran the same input with -ndiag 1<br><br>(3) run successfully with cell-dynamics = 'damp-pr' and -ndiag 1 in command line.<br><br>(4) run successfully with cell-dynamics = 'damp-pr' and without -ndiag 1 in command line.<br><br>My input file is :<br>&CONTROL<br> calculation = 'vc-relax'<br>
restart_mode= 'from_scratch'<br> prefix = 'c-si-inf-vcrlx'<br> pseudo_dir = '/home/phy/espresso-4.0/pseudo/'<br> outdir = '/home/phy/sagar_espresso_tmp/'<br> /<br> &SYSTEM<br> ibrav = 6,<br> celldm(1) = 25,<br> celldm(3) = 0.241884944,<br> nat = 2,<br> ntyp = 2,<br> ecutwfc = 35.0,<br> ecutrho = 150.0,<br> occupations = 'smearing'<br> smearing = 'methfessel-paxton'<br> degauss = 0.01,<br> /<br> &ELECTRONS<br> conv_thr = 1.d-12,<br> mixing_beta =
0.7,<br> /<br> &IONS<br> ion_dynamics = 'damp'<br> wfc_extrapolation = 'second_order'<br> pot_extrapolation = 'second_order'<br> /<br> &CELL<br> cell_dynamics = 'damp-pr'<br> /<br> ATOMIC_SPECIES<br> C 12.01 C.pz-vbc.UPF<br> Si 28.086 Si.vbc.UPF<br>ATOMIC_POSITIONS (angstrom)<br>C 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000<br>Si 0.000000000 0.000000000 1.6<br>K_POINTS (gamma)<br><br>**********************************************************************************<br>Thanx.<br><br>Sagar Ambavale<br>Research Student, <br>The M.S. University of Baroda,<br>India<br></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></blockquote></td></tr></table><br>
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