Dear Paulatto<br>These are the last sentences as runing configure script. It seems that the configure is successful.<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------<br>ESPRESSO can take advantage of several optimized numerical libraries<br>(essl, fftw, mkl...). This configure script attempts to find them,<br>but may fail if they have been installed in non-standard locations.<br>If a required library is not found, the local copy will be compiled.<br><br>The following libraries have been found:<br> BLAS_LIBS=-L/opt/intel/mkl/8.0/lib/64 -lmkl_ipf -lguide -lpthread<br> LAPACK_LIBS=-lmkl_lapack<br> FFT_LIBS=<br>Please check if this is what you expect.<br><br>If any libraries are missing, you may specify a list of directories<br>to search and retry, as follows:<br> ./configure LIBDIRS="list of directories, separated by spaces"<br><br>Parallel environment detected successfully.<br>Configured for compilation of parallel
executables.<br><br>For more info, read the ESPRESSO User's Guide (Doc/users-guide.tex).<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------<br>configure: success<br><br><br>The attached is the configure output.<br><br><b><i></i></b>Best regards<br>ZHANG Chao<br>City University of Hong Kong<br><p> 
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