Dear developers,<br><br>According Changelog for CVS version, it is possible now to perform Berry Phase calculation for gdir=1 and gdir=2 . I've tried it for rhombohedral unit cell, but got the following message:<br><br>
....<br> ==================================================<br> POLARIZATION CALCULATION<br> !!! NOT THOROUGHLY TESTED !!!<br> --------------------------------------------------
<br><br> error: translated G= -1.00993858493275 -0.583088313876004 <br> 0.406263994517323 with crystal coordinates 0 0<br> 1 corresponds to ng= 0 but G(ng)= 0.000000000000000E+000
<br> 0.000000000000000E+000 4.362056180567782E-319<br> probably because G_par is NOT a reciprocal lattice vector <br> Possible choices as smallest G_par:<br> i= 1 G= 1.00993858493275 -0.583088313876004
<br> 0.406263994517323 <br> i= 2 G= 0.000000000000000E+000 -1.16617662775201 <br> 0.812527989034646 <br> i= 3 G= -1.00993858493275 1.74926494162801 <br> 5.467848396278896E-014
<br> i= 4 G= 2.01987716986549 0.000000000000000E+000<br> 0.000000000000000E+000<br> i= 5 G= -1.00993858493275 -1.74926494162801 <br> 1.21879198355197 <br> i= 6 G=
0.000000000000000E+000 2.33235325550402 <br> -0.406263994517268 <br> i= 7 G= -2.01987716986549 1.16617662775201 <br> 0.406263994517378 <br> i= 8 G= 3.02981575479824
0.583088313876004 <br> -0.406263994517323 <br> i= 9 G= 1.00993858493275 2.91544156938002 <br> -0.812527989034591 <br> i= 10 G= -3.02981575479824 0.583088313876004
<br> 0.812527989034701 <br> i= 11 G= -2.01987716986549 -2.33235325550402 <br> 1.62505597806929 <br> i= 12 G= 1.00993858493275 -2.91544156938002 <br> -2.84384796162148
<br> i= 13 G= 2.01987716986549 3.49852988325603 <br> -1.21879198355191 <br> i= 14 G= -4.03975433973098 0.000000000000000E+000<br>.....<br clear="all"><br>Lattice/reciprocal vectors are:
<br> crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of a_0)<br> a(1) = ( 0.495080 -0.285834 0.820485 ) <br> a(2) = ( 0.000000 0.571669 0.820485 ) <br> a(3) = ( -0.495080 -0.285834
0.820485 ) <br><br> reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/a_0)<br> b(1) = ( 1.009939 -0.583088 0.406264 ) <br> b(2) = ( 0.000000 1.166177 0.406264 ) <br> b(3) = ( -
1.009939 -0.583088 0.406264 ) <br><br>There is no error in case of gdir=3 . Does anybody have such problem before?<br><br>Best wishes,<br> <br>-- <br>===================================== <br>Jess Kondor<br><br>PICYT, Av. Venustiano Carranza 2425-A,
<br>San Luis Potosà 78210, México<br><br>=====================================