[Pw_forum] error in running pw.x in scf mode.
mohamed makhyoun
makhyoun2 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 7 01:02:54 CET 2012
Dear all:
I am trying to do phonon calculation on some silver complex in solid. As a first step
the the use of pw.x in the scf mode gave the following error:
from card_kpoints : error # 2
two occurrences
The input is included below. I appreciate any help or suggestions.
Best regard
calculation = 'scf' ,
restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
outdir = '$TMP_DIR' ,
pseudo_dir = '/home/mohamed/espresso/exec/pseudo' ,
disk_io = 'low' ,
verbosity = 'default' ,
nstep=100 ,
tprnfor=.true. ,
A = 8.1664 ,
B = 8.4103 ,
C = 10.4848 ,
cosAB = .48285 ,
cosAC = .23670 ,
cosBC = .33604 ,
nat = 58,
ntyp = 5,
ecutwfc = 50. ,
nbnd= 106 ,
conv_thr=1.0D-8 ,
Ag 107.86800 Ag.pbe-d-rrkjus.UPF
N 14.00700 N.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
O 15.99900 O.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
C 12.01100 C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
H 1.00800 H.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
Ag -0.112709927 0.087193977 0.200542078
Ag 0.112709927 -0.087193977 -0.200542078
N 0.038970214 -0.113394975 0.373873350
N -0.038970214 0.113394975 -0.373873350
N -0.210836888 0.320473795 0.024629773
N 0.210836888 -0.320473795 -0.024629773
N -0.346566812 -0.141338901 0.194634935
N 0.346566812 0.141338901 -0.194634935
O 0.465894055 -0.234016565 -0.490005525
O -0.465894055 0.234016565 0.490005525
O -0.260556713 -0.200738581 -0.116145710
O 0.260556713 0.200738581 0.116145710
O -0.435204501 -0.227554058 0.194452751
O 0.435204501 0.227554058 -0.194452751
O -0.227980395 -0.117943277 0.095287701
O 0.227980395 0.117943277 -0.095287701
O -0.370301880 -0.075383782 0.294502189
O 0.370301880 0.075383782 -0.294502189
C 0.307812645 -0.236172715 0.495562045
C -0.307812645 0.236172715 -0.495562045
C -0.262184111 -0.364985975 -0.102413562
C 0.262184111 0.364985975 0.102413562
C 0.197520149 -0.112042887 0.387418343
C -0.197520149 0.112042887 -0.387418343
C -0.018470426 -0.236520568 0.466885975
C 0.018470426 0.236520568 -0.466885975
C -0.321122130 -0.385355915 -0.208406542
C 0.321122130 0.385355915 0.208406542
C -0.206159440 0.482723105 0.012393688
C 0.206159440 -0.482723105 -0.012393688
C 0.248213648 -0.363603164 -0.408021893
C -0.248213648 0.363603164 0.408021893
C -0.323408790 0.446418433 -0.194833337
C 0.323408790 -0.446418433 0.194833337
C -0.268773432 0.301829349 -0.077007224
C 0.268773432 -0.301829349 0.077007224
C 0.083853381 -0.363193581 -0.423485237
C -0.083853381 0.363193581 0.423485237
H 0.238545808 -0.010482339 0.309906844
H -0.238545808 0.010482339 -0.309906844
H -0.148089076 -0.230591681 0.451069134
H 0.148089076 0.230591681 -0.451069134
H -0.369133736 -0.268357583 -0.297827765
H 0.369133736 0.268357583 0.297827765
H -0.159479698 0.492875537 0.096833996
H 0.159479698 -0.492875537 -0.096833996
H 0.332539226 -0.463733893 -0.324420815
H -0.332539226 0.463733893 0.324420815
H -0.369559127 0.426943641 -0.275068705
H 0.369559127 -0.426943641 0.275068705
H -0.273325896 0.169744869 -0.061624293
H 0.273325896 -0.169744869 0.061624293
H 0.033773777 -0.461122219 -0.350682505
H -0.033773777 0.461122219 0.350682505
H -0.243391058 -0.186728030 -0.028835874
H 0.243391058 0.186728030 0.028835874
H -0.487685811 -0.161797721 0.423823038
H 0.487685811 0.161797721 -0.423823038
K_POINTS automatic
1 1 1 0 0 0
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