June 2012 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Jun 1 01:08:40 CEST 2012
Ending: Sat Jun 30 21:26:44 CEST 2012
Messages: 217
- [Pw_forum] R: Re: R: Re: NOSYM tag + atomization energy
giacsport at libero.it
- [Pw_forum] Convert fhi pseudo potential to upf
James Mao
- [Pw_forum] R: Re: R: Re: NOSYM tag + atomization energy
giacsport at libero.it
- [Pw_forum] Convert fhi pseudo potential to upf
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] Convert fhi pseudo potential to upf
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] no convergence on an image in neb calculation
Juliana Silva
- [Pw_forum] no convergence on an image in neb calculation
Arles V. Gil Rebaza
- [Pw_forum] Finite Temperature Schrödinger Equation.
Hongsheng Zhao
- [Pw_forum] Finite Temperature Schrödinger Equation.
- [Pw_forum] about the electron-phonon coefficients
- [Pw_forum] How to get the most reliable dos/pdos results
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] How to get the most reliable dos/pdos results
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] Finite Temperature Schr?dinger Equation.
Nicki Frank Hinsche
- [Pw_forum] How to get the most reliable dos/pdos results
Peng Chen
- [Pw_forum] How to get the most reliable dos/pdos results
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] How to get the most reliable dos/pdos results
- [Pw_forum] Trying to Generate a Pseudo-Hydrogen Pseudopotential
Vic Bermudez
- [Pw_forum] Trying to Generate a Pseudo-Hydrogen Pseudopotential
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] no convergence on an image in neb calculation
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Trying to Generate a Pseudo-Hydrogen Pseudopotential
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Trying to Generate a Pseudo-Hydrogen Pseudopotential
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] Trying to Generate a Pseudo-Hydrogen Pseudopotential
Vic Bermudez
- [Pw_forum] Trying to Generate a Pseudo-Hydrogen Pseudopotential
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] question about the wrong point group symmetry operation recognized by pwscf
Sanjay D. Gupta
- [Pw_forum] question about the wrong point group symmetry operation recognized by pwscf
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 60, Issue 7
Sanjay D. Gupta
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 60, Issue 7
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] error with open64 compilers
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 60, Issue 7
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] error with open64 compilers
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] error with open64 compilers
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] error with open64 compilers
- [Pw_forum] error with open64 compilers
- [Pw_forum] error with open64 compilers
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] question about the wrong point group symmetry operation recognized by pwscf
Sanjay D. Gupta
- [Pw_forum] lattice optimization with hybrid
giacsport at libero.it
- [Pw_forum] question about the wrong point group symmetry operation recognized by pwscf
Sanjay D. Gupta
- [Pw_forum] error with open64 compilers
- [Pw_forum] deformation potential for polar semiconductor
Nandan Tandon
- [Pw_forum] K-points implemented in TDDFPT?
Huang, Jingsong
- [Pw_forum] K-points implemented in TDDFPT?
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] about the electron-phonon coefficients
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] lattice optimization with hybrid
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] error with open64 compilers
- [Pw_forum] increasing temperature MD calculation
Farzad Molani
- [Pw_forum] flactuating total and absolute magnatization
m rostami
- [Pw_forum] lattice optimization with hybrid
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] flactuating total and absolute magnatization
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] K-points implemented in TDDFPT?
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] deformation potential for polar semiconductor
Nandan Tandon
- [Pw_forum] problem witch wurtzite structure
ramzi alaya
- [Pw_forum] problem witch wurtzite structure
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] R: Re: lattice optimization with hybrid
giacsport at libero.it
- [Pw_forum] deformation potential for polar semiconductor
Nandan Tandon
- [Pw_forum] deformation potential for polar semiconductor
Nandan Tandon
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of Phonon disperison stopped automatically without any warning
Sheleon Zhang
- [Pw_forum] Equation of state with PW.x
David Furman
- [Pw_forum] Orbital order in the non-collinear relativistic case... again!
Rodrigo Neumann
- [Pw_forum] Orbital order in the non-collinear relativistic case... again!
Andrea Dal Corso
- [Pw_forum] Equation of state with PW.x
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Orbital order in the non-collinear relativistic case... again!
Rodrigo Neumann
- [Pw_forum] Equation of state with PW.x
- [Pw_forum] TiO2.nscf
funmi ayedun
- [Pw_forum] Are the wlog, Tc got from lambda.x reasonable?
Chen Si
- [Pw_forum] Possible small bug in matdyn.f90
Hongjun Xiang
- [Pw_forum] Possible small bug in matdyn.f90
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Am I right?
Peng Tao
- [Pw_forum] Equation of state with PW.x
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] TiO2.nscf
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Am I right?
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of Phonon disperison stopped automatically without any warning
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] CRYSTAl optimization
- [Pw_forum] CRYSTAl optimization
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Pw_forum Digest, Vol 60, Issue 19. Re:Cystal optimisation
Davide Tiana
- [Pw_forum] help
dd ddd
- [Pw_forum] vdw-DF study for calcium decorated graphene
Janet Wong
- [Pw_forum] piezoelectricity
hamid hasanzadeh
- [Pw_forum] help
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] wanT download
Davide Tiana
- [Pw_forum] Plotting Band Structure by using Xmgrace
Gulcin Tetiker
Davide Tiana
- [Pw_forum] wanT download
Andrea Ferretti
- [Pw_forum] Phonon group velocity in different directions
Payam Norouzzadeh
- [Pw_forum] Phonon group velocity in different directions
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] Regarding calculation of nmr spectra using gipaw.x
Prasenjit Ghosh
- [Pw_forum] electron_phonon="interpolated" with trans=.false. fails
Alaska Subedi
- [Pw_forum] electron_phonon="interpolated" with trans=.false. fails
Alaska Subedi
- [Pw_forum] d-orbitals in fully relativistic pseudopotential for Carbon -- band gap in graphene
Martin Gmitra
- [Pw_forum] Regarding calculation of nmr spectra using gipaw.x
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] electron_phonon="interpolated" with trans=.false. fails
Matteo Calandra
- [Pw_forum] Regarding calculation of nmr spectra using gipaw.x
Prasenjit Ghosh
- [Pw_forum] Regarding calculation of nmr spectra using gipaw.x
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Regarding calculation of nmr spectra using gipaw.x
Prasenjit Ghosh
- [Pw_forum] Quantum ESPRESSO 5.0 with GPU-accelerated PWscf available for download
Filippo Spiga
- [Pw_forum] phonon mode symmetry format
karan deep
- [Pw_forum] Array out of bound error in set_irr.f90 under espresso-5.0/PHonon/PH
Yang Wang
- [Pw_forum] Array out of bound error in set_irr.f90 under espresso-5.0/PHonon/PH
Andrea Dal Corso
- [Pw_forum] Error in compiling Quantum-Espresso 5.0-Gpu
bf azi
- [Pw_forum] Error in compiling Quantum-Espresso 5.0-Gpu
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] Problem with convergence parameters forc_conv_thr and etot_conv_thr
Gabriel Pagola
- [Pw_forum] Problem with convergence parameters forc_conv_thr and etot_conv_thr
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Problem with convergence parameters forc_conv_thr and etot_conv_thr
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
debbichi mourad
- [Pw_forum] Error in compiling Quantum-Espresso 5.0-Gpu
Peter Dunne
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] Re : (no subject)
debbichi mourad
- [Pw_forum] Re : (no subject)
debbichi mourad
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] Band gap of AlAs (zinc blende)
ramzi alaya
- [Pw_forum] Band gap of AlAs (zinc blende)
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] electron_phonon="interpolated" with trans=.false. fails
Andrea Dal Corso
- [Pw_forum] about environment dielectric constant
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density calculation
Gulcin Tetiker
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density calculation
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] projwfc.x error with spin orbit
Virk Naunidh
- [Pw_forum] projwfc.x error with spin orbit
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] projwfc.x error with spin orbit
Virk Naunidh
- [Pw_forum] projwfc.x error with spin orbit
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] unexpected force_symmorphic behavior with explicit k grid
Giovanni Pizzi
- [Pw_forum] unexpected force_symmorphic behavior with explicit k grid
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] electronic excitation energy
bhabya sahoo
- [Pw_forum] electronic excitation energy
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] k-point-path
Payam Norouzzadeh
- [Pw_forum] electronic excitation energy
Arles V. Gil Rebaza
- [Pw_forum] electronic excitation energy
bhabya sahoo
- [Pw_forum] unexpected force_symmorphic behavior with explicit k grid
Giovanni Pizzi
- [Pw_forum] electronic excitation energy
Stefano Baroni
- [Pw_forum] projwfc.x error with spin orbit
Virk Naunidh
- [Pw_forum] k-point-path
- [Pw_forum] vdw-DF study for calcium decorated graphene
Janet Wong
- [Pw_forum] Thank you
Payam Norouzzadeh
- [Pw_forum] k-point-path
Nandan Tandon
- [Pw_forum] SCF Correction Too Large ...
Vic Bermudez
- [Pw_forum] electron_phonon="interpolated" with trans=.false. fails
Alaska Subedi
- [Pw_forum] SCF Correction Too Large ...
Stefano de Gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] SCF Correction Too Large ...
Sonu Kumar
- [Pw_forum] dielectric constant
mohaddeseh abbasnejad
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
maryam sajedi
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] running QHA examples
Abolore Musari
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
Abolore Musari
- [Pw_forum] How can I change maximal number of k-points in the code
Magdalena Birowska
- [Pw_forum] How can I change maximal number of k-points in the code
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Request
Yusuf Zuntu
- [Pw_forum] problem with soc+electric field calculations
Thaneshwor Kaloni
- [Pw_forum] Request
Layla Martin-Samos
- [Pw_forum] Request
- [Pw_forum] running QHA examples
Abolore Musari
- [Pw_forum] running QHA examples
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] problem with soc+electric field calculations
Gabriele Sclauzero
- [Pw_forum] running QHA examples
Abolore Musari
- [Pw_forum] problem with soc+electric field calculations
Thaneshwor Kaloni
- [Pw_forum] running QHA examples
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
Ranber Thakur
- [Pw_forum] running QHA examples
Abolore Musari
- [Pw_forum] Charge density of each state
Gulcin Tetiker
- [Pw_forum] Charge density of each state
Mohsen Modaresi
- [Pw_forum] Charge density of each state
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Charge density of each state
Gulcin Tetiker
- [Pw_forum] QE 5.0 compiled with Gfortran and iFort fails the check-cp.x.j and check-pw.x.j.
Roozbeh Sanaei
- [Pw_forum] QE 5.0 compiled with Gfortran and iFort fails the check-cp.x.j and check-pw.x.j.
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] QE 5.0 compiled with Gfortran and iFort fails the check-cp.x.j and check-pw.x.j.
Roozbeh Sanaei
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] where is qe-gipaw?
- [Pw_forum] where is qe-gipaw?
Davide Ceresoli
- [Pw_forum] where is qe-gipaw?
Huiqun Zhou
- [Pw_forum] where is qe-gipaw?
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
Ranber Thakur
- [Pw_forum] ANY Promising Compiler and OS for running QE 5.0 TESTS and Examples?
Roozbeh Sanaei
- [Pw_forum] ANY Promising Compiler and OS for running QE 5.0 TESTS and Examples?
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] ANY Promising Compiler and OS for running QE 5.0 TESTS and Examples?
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] ANY Promising Compiler and OS for running QE 5.0 TESTS and Examples?
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] Can xpectra.x calculate XAS for metal?
- [Pw_forum] Charge density of each state
Gulcin Kucukdalyan
- [Pw_forum] where is qe-gipaw?
- [Pw_forum] Can xpectra.x calculate XAS for metal?
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] Can xpectra.x calculate XAS for metal?
- [Pw_forum] Charge density of each state
Layla Martin-Samos
- [Pw_forum] Kohn-Sham orbitals cube file
nazari at iasbs.ac.ir
- [Pw_forum] Kohn-Sham orbitals cube file
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] Charge density of each state
Gulcin Tetiker
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Gulcin Kucukdalyan
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Gulcin Tetiker
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Charge density of each state
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Gulcin Kucukdalyan
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] problem with soc+electric field calculations
giannozz at democritos.it
- [Pw_forum] problem with soc+electric field calculations
Thaneshwor Kaloni
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Gulcin Tetiker
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
giannozz at democritos.it
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Gulcin Tetiker
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Thaneshwor Kaloni
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Layla Martin-Samos
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Gulcin Tetiker
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Gulcin Tetiker
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Gulcin Tetiker
- [Pw_forum] internal FFTW vs FFTW3
Roozbeh Sanaei
- [Pw_forum] internal FFTW vs FFTW3
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State
Layla Martin-Samos
- [Pw_forum] Kohn-Sham orbitals cube file, pp.x, output: 6
nazari at iasbs.ac.ir
- [Pw_forum] Kohn-Sham orbitals cube file, pp.x, output: 6
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [Pw_forum] postdoc available
Davide Tiana
- [Pw_forum] Problems about magnetic properties
zafar rasheed
- [Pw_forum] Problems about magnetic properties
shayan hemmatiyan
- [Pw_forum] problem about magnetic properties
zafar rasheed
- [Pw_forum] k point generation
- [Pw_forum] k point generation
giannozz at democritos.it
- [Pw_forum] Problems about magnetic properties
Duy Le
- [Pw_forum] k point generation
- [Pw_forum] Problem in using GGA+U for the PbSe Calculation
meghdad saeedian
- [Pw_forum] Problem in using GGA+U for the PbSe Calculation
Burak Himmetoglu
- [Pw_forum] Fw: Re: Problem in using GGA+U for the PbSe Calculation
meghdad saeedian
- [Pw_forum] Problem in using GGA+U for the PbSe Calculation
meghdad saeedian
Last message date:
Sat Jun 30 21:26:44 CEST 2012
Archived on: Sat Jun 30 21:26:52 CEST 2012
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