[Pw_forum] question about spinors

Alexey Akimov aakimov at z.rochester.edu
Tue Aug 21 23:55:03 CEST 2012

Dear all,

I try to understand the format of the wavefunction in case of spin-polarization (nspin=4, spinorb=.true. (or something similar)) without digging into code (what may take some longer time). First of all I print the wavefunction in the ascii format (text) using the post-processing utilities, that is the coefficients c_ig in expansion: psi_i = sum_over_g {c_ig * exp(u*g*r)}  (assuming Gamma-point case, so k=0). So when i compute overlap of 2 orbitals <psi_i|psi_j> it is delta_ij (Kronecker) (almost) for non-spin polarized case or with spin-polarized case but without spin-orbit. However, in spin-orbit case i have something like: <phi_1|psi_1> = 1, <psi_2|psi_2> = 0, <psi_3|psi_3> = 1, etc. Also the eigenvalues of the even orbitals look the same as those of odd orbitals (e.g. e_1 = e2, e3 = e4, etc.) 

So my question is what are the even wavefunctions, why their overlap is not 1, but is 0 while for odd orbitals the normal expectation of overlap being close to 1 is satisfied? More specifically, what is the interpretation of the output wavefunctions (bands) in such calculations? I tried to look tutorial and presentations about spin-orbit coupling calculations in QE. They say about spinors, but what is what in the output and how the (ortho)normalization is expressed in term of the outputs? 

Thank you,

Dr. Alexey V. Akimov

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Chemistry
University of Rochester

aakimov at z.rochester.edu 

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