[Pw_forum] normal modes visualization

giuseppe.mattioli at mlib.ism.cnr.it giuseppe.mattioli at mlib.ism.cnr.it
Thu Oct 20 13:42:59 CEST 2011

Ciao Emine
Thank you very much!
I'm going to try...

Quoting Emine Kucukbenli <kucukben at sissa.it>:

> Ciao Giuseppe,
> Yes there is a small program that does that : dynmat.x
> Call it like this:
> $espresso_dir/bin/dynmat.x
> then feed this one line input (no need for a separate input file)
> &input fildyn='yourfile' /
> it produces dynmat.axsf where the normal modes are represented as
> forces in xcrysden,
> an animated xsf file, one frame per mode.
> xcrysden --axsf dynmat.axsf
> This is how it was working last time i checked, i dont think anything
> has changed..
> emine kucukbenli, phd student, sissa, italy
> ps: after writing i remembered this:
> http://people.sissa.it/~degironc/QE-Tutorial/tutorial_phon.htm
> check the "Phonons at Gamma point" section - last bit.
> Quoting giuseppe.mattioli at mlib.ism.cnr.it:
>> Dear all
>> Does anybody know if there is any post-processing tool which allows
>> one to visualize normal modes calculated with phonon.x or phcg.x in
>> real space, as, for instance, ion displacement movies to be opened
>> with xcrysden or xmakemol?
>> Thank you in advance
>> Giuseppe
>> Giuseppe Mattioli
>> Italy
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