[Pw_forum] iotk error

Éric Germaneau germaneau at gucas.ac.cn
Tue Oct 18 17:27:02 CEST 2011

Dear Professor Giannozzi,

thank you for your suggestion.
First using "-in" does not help, secondly I'm sure of my input since it 
works fine on my desktop.
Now I get this message

    ERROR IN: iotk_scan_end (iotk_scan.f90:241)
    CVS Revision: 1.23
    ERROR IN: iotk_close_read (iotk_files.f90:746)
    CVS Revision: 1.20 /

What does that means?
That happen only on this machine. I can run without in problem a scf 
calculation but for a band calculation for instance I get the error 
above. I use gfortran, woth ifort it's even scf calculation fails.
That's too bad I can not use this machine.

Thank you,


On 10/14/2011 08:21 AM, Paolo Giannozzi wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-10-13 at 12:05 -0400, Éric Germaneau wrote:
>> When I execute the pp.x (or band calculation) with ifort 10.1  on
>> several nodes it says
>>          pp.x: error while loading shared libraries: libmpi.so.3.2:
>>          cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> http://www.quantum-espresso.org/user_guide/node52.html#SECTION000121010000000000000
>>      But when I run it on the head node only I get
>>               from postproc : error #         1
>>               reading inputpp namelist
> either there is an error in namelist inputpp, or the code doesn't read
> it, for reasons explained in in the above link at point,
> or here: http://www.quantum-espresso.org/user_guide/node19.html
>>               from read_rho_xml : error #         1
>>               cannot
>>          open ./SCF/vc-relax_tetragonal.save/charge-density.dat file
>>          for reading
> the file it is not there
> P.

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Dr. Éric Germaneau 

Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
College of Physical Sciences
Yuquan Road 19A
Beijing 100049

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