[Pw_forum] iotk error

Éric Germaneau germaneau at gucas.ac.cn
Thu Oct 13 18:05:02 CEST 2011

Dear Professor Paulatto,

Thank you for your reply but this is to the case.

When I execute the pp.x (or band calculation) with *ifort* *10.1* _on 
several nodes_ it says

    /pp.x: error while loading shared libraries: libmpi.so.3.2: cannot
    open shared object file: No such file or directory/

     whereas /ldd pp.x/ gives

    /libmpi.so.3.2 => /opt/intel/impi/3.1/lib64/libmpi.so.3.2

     But when I run it on the head node only I get

    /from postproc : error #         1
          reading inputpp namelist/


    /from read_rho_xml : error #         1
          cannot open ./SCF/vc-relax_tetragonal.save/charge-density.dat
    file for reading/

For some reasons the contents of SCF directory is not accessible, I do a 
chmod -R ugo+xwr ./SCF.
This is differently with this machine since it works well on my desktop 
(with gfortran 4.4.4).
I'll figure out.
Thank you,


On 10/12/2011 12:05 PM, Lorenzo Paulatto wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 17:43:44 +0200, Éric Germaneau<germaneau at gucas.ac.cn>
> wrote:
>> I recently got the error bellow when running band calculation
>> (calculation = 'band' and pw.x) :
> This error can also be caused by a band calculation when
> restart_mode='restart'; see the bug tracker for details
> (http://qe-forge.org/tracker/?atid=133&group_id=10&func=browse).
> If this is your case, the simpler solution is to remove restart_mode from
> the band calculation input
> bests

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/ — Mahatma Gandhi —

Dr. Éric Germaneau 

Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
College of Physical Sciences
Yuquan Road 19A
Beijing 100049

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