[Pw_forum] LDA scheme used in QE
Stefano de Gironcoli
degironc at sissa.it
Thu Nov 10 06:42:14 CET 2011
Dear Padmaja Patnaik,
In that paper devoted to SIC there is an appendix where the PZ
parametrization of Ceperley-Alder QMC data for the homogeneous
electron gas is given to be used in LDA.
this is what is meant for functional PZ: LDA using PZ parametrization.
that paper is probably much more quoted for its appendix than for
the, also very important, discussion of SIC error.
Quoting Padmaja Patnaik <padmaja_patnaik at yahoo.co.uk>:
> Hi All
> The pseudopotentials in QE are obtained using PZ /PW91/PBE etc
> schemes. When one pseudopotential is using PZ scheme that means one
> is referring to Perdew Zunger paper 'Self-interaction correction
> to density functional approximation for many electron system', in
> PRB, volume 23, 1981. That paper is for self-interaction corrected
> formalism. But in many posts in this forum I saw the answer as SIC
> is not implemented in PWSCF except the case of CP. Now I am confused
> about the pseudopotentials I am using. Are they SIC or not? Whenever
> I am using a pseudopotential with the name *.pz-vbc.UPF I thought
> its referring to the above said paper and hence SIC. Am I wrong? Is
> there any other Perdew Zunger paper for LDA which is referred?
> Please clarify.
> Thanking in advance
> Regards
> Padmaja Patnaik
> Research Scholar
> Dept of Physics
> IIT Bombay
> Mumbai, India
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