[Pw_forum] general question on materials physics
pascal boulet
pascal.boulet at univ-provence.fr
Mon Nov 7 09:07:48 CET 2011
Dear all,
Sorry to bother you with this silly question but it puzzles me a bit!
In a recent article, I have seen a DOS in which the Fermi level is
located in the conduction band. So, it seems to me that the materials is
metallic. But there is clearly a band gap of about 2 eV. I always
thought that for metals the gap was closed. Is there a contradiction in
the paper or am I wrong?
Thank you for your answer.
Dr. pascal Boulet, computational chemist
University of Aix-Marseille I
Laboratoire Chimie Provence, UMR 6264
Group of Theoretical Chemistry
Avenue Normandie-Niemen
13397 Marseille Cedex 20
Tel. (+33) (0)413.55.18.10
Fax. (+33) (0)491.55.18.50
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