[Pw_forum] smearing
iurii.timrov at polytechnique.edu
Tue Mar 15 18:46:35 CET 2011
Dear Maxim, Dear All,
> yes, you can. In order to do so, one has to comment the following (two)
> lines in PW/input.f90:
> IF( calculation /= 'nscf' ) CALL errore( 'iosys', &
> 'tetrahedra should be used only for calculation of DOS', 1 )
These lines are present in PW/input.f90 of espresso-4.2.1
In espresso-4.3a you will find somewhat different:
! replace "errore" with "infomsg" in the next line if you really want
! to perform a calculation with forces using tetrahedra
IF( lforce ) CALL errore( 'iosys', &
'force calculation with tetrahedra not recommanded: use smearing',1)
> Mind, that 'tetrahedra' has to be used for DOS or SCF only, forces and
> stresses are
> not reliable it this case (they are not variational).
Could you recommend some paper where this statement was
mentioned/discussed/proved? Thanks!
Best regards,
Iurii Timrov
Doctorant (PhD student)
Laboratoire des Solides Irradies
Ecole Polytechnique
F-91128 Palaiseau
+33 1 69 33 45 08
timrov at theory.polytechnique.fr
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