[Pw_forum] help install PWgui

Battal Gazi YALÇIN gyalcin at sakarya.edu.tr
Wed Jan 26 10:48:49 CET 2011

Hello all,

we tried to install PWgui and for this aim  we downloaded follow softwares and tried to install them to our pc but we don't success it. 

the sorftwares

* xc-1.5.21-linux_x86_64-semishared.tar
* xc-1.5.21-linux_x86_64-shared.tar
* xc-1.5.21-src.tar
* xc-1.5.21-src-all.tar
* tcl8.5.9-src.tar
* tk8.5.9-src.tar
* MesaGLUT-7.10.tar
* MesaLib-7.10.tar
* pwgui-linux-x86_64.tar
* guib+doc-0.3.1.tar

as seen the above softwares, we have to tried  installing all of the them. But we didn't success. Because we do not understand installing sequence step by step, also we could not find installing order presentation.

If you know please help me,

Thank you very much

Reser. Assis. Battal Gazi Yalcin

Sakarya University Physics Department/ Turkiye 


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