[Pw_forum] Bulk Modulus Calculation
William Parker
wparker at anl.gov
Wed Jan 5 00:14:14 CET 2011
Hi Tram,
To use ev.x, you need a file with the lattice constants and total energies tabulated.
Here is a shell script that will take an input file, adjust the lattice parameter over a small range (+/- 2% in my example) and collect the lattice parameters and total energies in an file I call ev.dat (note you must have sed and awk available):
OUT=`echo $IN | sed 's/\.in/\.out/'`
for fac in -0.020 -0.015 -0.010 -0.005 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020
alatt=`echo "$fac $A0" | awk '{printf "%5.3f",(1+$1)*$2}'`
mkdir $alatt
sed "/celldm(1)/s/=.*/= $alatt/" $IN > $alatt/$IN
cd $alatt
$EXE < $IN >& $OUT
e=`grep '! total energy' $OUT | tail -1 | awk '{printf "%16.10f\n",$5}'`
echo "$alatt $e" >> ../$DAT
cd ..
Be sure that the pw.x executable is in your shell path and define your own input file name and lattice constant. You may also adjust the range you want to sample for the bulk modulus.
Once, you've run the script to get your energies, run ev.x, choose au as the units, choose the appropriate cell shape (fcc in your case), put ev.dat as the input file and name the output whatever you want. Pick the equation of state you want to use, and the results will appear in the output file you named.
I hope this helps. Anyone with additional and/or corrective advice, please chime in.
William D. Parker phone: (630) 252-1775
Computational Postdoctoral Fellow fax: (630) 252-4798
MSD-212, Rm. C-215
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Ave.
Argonne, IL 60439
On Jan 4, 2011, at 4:06 PM, Tram Bui wrote:
> Hi All,
> Hope everyone had great holidays, I had a question before regarding the Bulk Modulus calculation (ev.f90) But I'm having hard time understand the file and don't know how to use the ev.f to help me calculate the bulk modulus if I have an input file is like below and the structure is zinc blend (b-SiC). Would you help me if you get a chance? here is my file and you can run it in xcyrsden to see the structure.
> calculation='scf'
> restart_mode='from_scratch',
> prefix='Silicon',
> tprnfor=.true.
> pseudo_dir='/home/trambui/QE/espresso-4.2.1/pseudo',
> outdir='./tmp7/',
> /
> ibrav=2, celldm(1)=8.33, nat=2, ntyp=2,
> ecutwfc= 30,
> /
> diagonalization= 'david',
> mixing_mode= 'plain',
> mixing_beta= 0.5,
> conv_thr= 1.0d-7,
> /
> Si 28.086 Si.pbe-n-van.UPF
> C 12.011 C.pbe-van_ak.UPF
> Si 0.00 0.00 0.00
> C 0.25 0.25 0.25
> K_POINTS automatic
> 10 10 10 0 0 0
> I really appreciate your helps!
> Tram Bui
> B.S. Materials Science & Engineering
> trambui at u.boisestate.edu
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