[Pw_forum] phcg.x with US PPs

Claudio Perottoni caperott at ucs.br
Wed Feb 23 14:41:50 CET 2011


While US PPs can be used in gamma_only scf calculations with pw.x,  
attempts to run phonon calculations with phcg.x returns the following 
error message:


      from cg_readin : error #         1
      ultrasoft pseudopotential not implemented

Is there somebody working to implement phonon calculations with US PPs 
in phcg.x? Can we expect this being implemented any time soon?



Dr. Cláudio A. Perottoni

Universidade de Caxias do Sul
Centro de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia
Rua Francisco Getúlio Vargas, 1130
95070-560 Caxias do Sul - RS - Brazil
Phone: +55 54 3218 2607

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