[Pw_forum] compilation error

Eric Germaneau germaneau at gucas.ac.cn
Thu Feb 17 21:00:55 CET 2011

Dear QE users,

when I compile (make all) QE on a x86_64 mahine with gfortran 4.4.4 I 
got the follwing error:


   USE iotk_module
Fatal Error: Parse error when checking module version for file 
'iotk_module.mod' opened at (1)
make[1]: *** [metadyn_io.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [mods] Error 2/

When I compile on my i686 laptop with gfortran 4.3.3 it goes just fine.
Can you please tell me whether you experienced this issue and how did 
you solve it?
Thanks in advance,


/Be the change you wish to see in the world
/ --- Mahatma Gandhi ---

Dr. Éric Germaneau <mailto:germaneau at gucas.ac.cn>

College of Physical Sciences
Graduate University of ChineseAcademy of Sciences
Yuquan Road 19A
Beijing 100049

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