[Pw_forum] RE : A question on atomic magnetic moments
cyrille.barreteau at cea.fr
Sun Feb 13 08:52:18 CET 2011
Dear Giovani
Try to decrease the degauss value of your smearing.. and see what happens.
Cyrille Barreteau phone : +33 (0)1 69 08 29 51
CEA Saclay fax : +33 (0)1 69 08 84 46
IRAMIS, SPCSI, Batiment 462 email cyrille.barreteau at cea.fr
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
Web: http://iramis.cea.fr/Pisp/cyrille.barreteau/
De: pw_forum-bounces at pwscf.org de la part de Giovani Faccin
Date: dim. 13/02/2011 07:16
À: PWSCF Forum
Objet : Re: [Pw_forum] A question on atomic magnetic moments
Dear Paolo,
Thanks for the reply.
Just to make sure that the simulation cell size is not an issue (so that the system is really finite), I've tested different possibilities, including some quite big cells. Still, after a certain size the value of the magnetization is converging to 6.82 instead of the expected 6.
So something else is causing this. Unfortunately I've got no clue as to what could it be.
Should it be of any help, this is my input file:
calculation = 'scf' ,
restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
wf_collect = .true. ,
outdir = './output' ,
pseudo_dir = '../pseudo/' ,
prefix = 'fe' ,
etot_conv_thr = 1.0D-9 ,
forc_conv_thr = 1.0D-6 ,
tstress = .true. ,
tprnfor = .true. ,
ibrav = 1,
celldm(1) = 43,
nat = 2,
ntyp = 1,
ecutwfc = 100 ,
ecutrho = 300 ,
occupations = 'smearing' ,
degauss = 0.02 ,
smearing = 'methfessel-paxton' ,
nspin = 2 ,
starting_magnetization(1) = 1.0,
conv_thr = 1.0e-9 ,
mixing_beta = 0.7 ,
diagonalization = 'david' ,
Fe 58.69000 Fe.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF
Fe 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
Fe 2.047510 0.000000000 0.000000000
K_POINTS automatic
1 1 1 1 1 1
Any suggestions are highly welcome.
2011/2/12 Paolo Giannozzi <giannozz at democritos.it>
On Feb 11, 2011, at 17:09 , Giovani Faccin wrote:
> My question: shouldn't those numbers be integers?
only in finite systems, if you neglect spin-orbit.
Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
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