[Pw_forum] Problem with Ni/Ni3Al system
martins at if.uff.br
martins at if.uff.br
Tue Aug 30 13:12:42 CEST 2011
Dear Gabriele and Fabio,
thanks for your replies! With relation to the Gabriele's concerns:
i) I use gfortran compiler under linux (Debian). The linear algebra
packages are the standart for the distribution. I use too the MPICH to
run the paralel jobs.
ii) With relation to the ecutrho variable, really I did not to improve
its value. On the other hand, as Fabio told, the same input file
runned in the Fabio's and Eugenio's machines. Moreover, I did some
calculations (in paralel) to another supercells and they were fine.
Concerning the Fabio's question, the calculation stopped just in the
One more time, thanks!
Adriano de Souza Martins
Professor Adjunto III
Departamento de Física - ICEx
Polo Universitário de Volta Redonda
Universidade Federal Fluminense
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