[Pw_forum] usage of recover=.true.

Elie Moujaes elie.moujaes at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Aug 22 16:23:16 CEST 2011

Thanks a lot for the answer. The problem is I started calculating the phonons at the Gamma point. In my system there are 180 modes and something went wrong with the server so it stopped at the 106.I am doing the 180 in one go! Is there a way to save the 106 ones already done! or u suggest that I calculate each one of them in a separate fie and use recover=.true.?


From: crma at sissa.it
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2011 16:17:17 +0200
To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] usage of recover=.true.

Dear Elie,
In the document Doc/INPUT_PH.txt, variable "recover" is explained clearly:
   Variable:       recover
   Type:           LOGICAL   Default:        .false.   Description:    If .true. restart from an interrupted run.
So set it to false in your first run and true in the second and the following runs.
On 22 Aug, 2011, at 16:06, Elie Moujaes wrote:Dear all,I am doing phonon calculations for a large system at the Gamma point (I have 180 irreducible representations (modes) to work out). The server was shut for a day. I have used in my input file recover=.true.  I have reached representation 106 before the server broke down. Does it mean that If I executed the command ph.x again, the calculations will start from where it was interrupted?if not, what can i do to not lose what has been done?ThanksElie MoujaesUniversity of NottinghamNG7 2RDUK _______________________________________________
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