[Pw_forum] Fortran compiler
Ngoc Linh Nguyen
nnlinh at sissa.it
Mon Mar 15 22:46:58 CET 2010
MPI Open Mpi is a good option. You can see and download in:
It needs gfortran compiler which is complied on your system.
Good luck,
> Dear PWSCF uses,
> I am planning to install some Fortran compiler and MPI for running QE on
> my cluster. I dont have Intel compiler (previously I only used Intel
> Compiler on another cluster), and I dont know which free compiler and MPI
> are most suited for QE. Could you give me advise on which compiler and
> MPI that I should install for use with QE.
> Thank you very much in advance,
> Trinh Vo
> JPL/CalTech
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Nguyen Ngoc Linh, PhD Student
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