[Pw_forum] "Mulliken population" and dos pojections

P.Canepa pc229 at kent.ac.uk
Wed Mar 3 12:17:03 CET 2010

Hey guys,

Just a little question, is in PWscf something like Mulliken population analysis? I was trying to get out of my dos their d character (namely  t2g and eg)!
There is any match between the order as the dos projections are printed and what will be printed within the "Mulliken population analysis or whatever", that for certain quantum espresso has already implemented?
Basically if in my projection is something like: pdosup(E)    pdosup(E)   pdosup(E)   pdosup(E)    pdosup(E) , the Mulliken routine will print out the population in the same order?

Many thanks, Piero 

Pieremanuele Canepa
Room 104
Functional Material Group
School of Physical Sciences, Ingram Building,
University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent,
United Kingdom

e-mail: pc229 at kent.ac.uk
mobile: +44 (0) 7772-9756456

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