[Pw_forum] error while compiling the start_q, last_q, start_irr and last_irr technique
Andrea Dal Corso
dalcorso at sissa.it
Fri Jun 4 21:15:04 CEST 2010
I am still using the start_q, last_q, start_irr and last_irr technique
(from GRID example) to calculate the phonon dispersion in graphene.
Everything is ok until I run ph.x for the first q (q=1 the Gamma
point). The input is:
Phonon dispersion for monolayer graphene
nq1=8, nq2=8, nq3=1
No errors in running ph.x but teh output is a bit strange like :
Program PHONON v.4.2 starts on 4Jun2010 at 14:35:33
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please acknowledge
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org",
in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at
Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials
Starting q 2 larger than total number of q points 10 or of last q 1
This error depends on the fact that the recover procedure is confused
because the code was doing the second q point when it was interrupted
now you are trying to recover (you have recover=.true.) but ask to calculate
only q point 1. You are not allowed to change start_q and last_q
before finishing a calculation. Probably this part should be more
robust for these kind of problems, but at the moment it is not, sorry.
When you try again and change q point to 2, the recover files are now
a mess and you get an error from the library routine that reads
the recovering files.
At this point the only solution is to remove the outdir/_ph* files and
start again. If you have already the dynamical matrices of all q points
but the first you can simply calculate the gamma point starting from scratch.
If the problem is still present after cleaning the outdir directory,
and it is reproducible, please post also the input of pw.x.
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